Donald Trump is also losing in Pennsylvania courts


With legal proceedings in several US states, Donald Trump’s election campaign seeks to portray President-elect Joe Biden as the illegitimate winner of the election. However, the serious fraud allegations cannot even begin to substantiate the Trump team. Consequently, the next court loss followed in Pennsylvania, with a rigorous comment from the judge.

The Pennsylvania lawsuit sought to invalidate millions of postal votes on allegations of fraud. However, the appeals court, like the lower court, said last week that Trump’s lawyers “did not have clear evidence” of the alleged massive fraud. Additionally, Democrat Joe Biden won the state election by around 81,000 votes, which is why alleged individual cases would not play a role, he said. Pennsylvania officially certified Biden’s election victory in the state a few days ago. Biden won 20 voters in Pennsylvania.

»Free and fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. The charges of injustice are serious. But calling an election unfair does not mean that it is also unfair, ”wrote Judge Stephanos Bibas. “The charges require specific accusations and then evidence. We have neither here nor the other «. The panel consisted of three judges, all appointed by Republican presidents. Bibas was appointed a federal judge by Trump in 2017.

Trump’s lawyers want to go to the Supreme Court

A Trump attorney, Jenna Ellis, continued the serious accusations against the judiciary, also on behalf of Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani. She tweeted that “the activist machinery of the Pennsylvania judiciary continues to cover up massive accusations of fraud.” Now they want to call the Washington Supreme Court, he wrote.

Courts have already thrown out numerous lawsuits by Trump and his Republican allies, including in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Nevada. Even with an appeal to the Supreme Court, in which six of the nine justices are considered conservative, Trump is unlikely to be successful given the facts.

More recently, Trump said he would leave the White House when Joe Biden was elected the 46th president of the so-called Electoral College. At the same time, however, Trump repeated his unsubstantiated claims about alleged election fraud. “That is far from over,” Trump said. In truth, Biden is the winner, and the ongoing White House protests don’t change that.

Icon: The mirror
