Corona hotspot: Passau issues strict exit restrictions


The city of Passau has imposed a strict exit restriction in light of the sharp increase in the number of corona infections. It should start on Saturday and initially last a week, as announced by Mayor Jürgen Dupper (SPD). Passau residents can only leave their apartment for a valid reason, for example to go to work, to the doctor, or to go shopping. The police will also monitor the exit restriction.

Mask requirement and alcohol prohibition

A mask requirement applies to all meetings without exception. The mask should also not be removed when eating, drinking or smoking. Each meeting must have a maximum of ten participants and a maximum duration of sixty minutes. During religious services and gatherings of religious communities, masks must also be worn in the area. The mask requirement in public areas also continues to apply. In addition, the city imposes a 24-hour ban on alcohol in public places.

Change of lessons and compulsory tests in nursing homes

In Passau schools, classes from first to sixth must remain in face-to-face classes, as well as final classes. Alternate lessons apply to all intermediate grades.

Visitors to homes for the elderly and disabled should take a rapid corona test to visit family members. Alternatively, you can have a negative corona test, which should not be older than 24 hours. If the house can show that it is currently unable to take the test, the visit is not allowed. Each visitor must wear an FFP2 mask. Employees undergo Corona tests every week.

The prohibition to visit the Passau Clinic remains in force.

New Year’s Eve: the ban on firecrackers is extended

On New Years Eve, fireworks were banned in the old town area for fire safety reasons. This regulation is now being extended to the cloister garden, areas in the Inn and Danube and the Oberhaus area. “We have a serious situation that we should not underestimate,” emphasized the head of the City Council, Dupper.

Germany’s number two access point

How long the closure should stay open at the beginning. “300 is the minimum that should go down,” said Mayor Dupper.

On Friday, Passau had a corona incidence value of almost 440 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, the highest value in all of Bavaria. The city is also, after the Hildburghausen district in Thuringia, with almost 630 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, currently Germany’s second hotspot.
