Status: 11/27/2020 11:36 am

After the massive crown outbreaks in slaughterhouses, a law against exploitation in the meat industry should be quickly passed. But then it was on hold for a long time because the SPD and the Union could not agree, until now.

The dispute in the grand coalition over a law against exploitation in the meat industry has been settled. According to information from ARD capital studies the CDU / CSU and SPD have agreed on new regulations to improve working conditions in the industry. Specifically, it is the Occupational Health and Safety Control Law. It should impose a ban on employment and service contracts in industry. The ban on temporary work will continue.

Dispute for temporary work

After massive corona infections in slaughterhouses, the federal cabinet had already passed a law by the Minister of Labor, Hubertus Heil (SPD), against complaints. The law was approved by the cabinet in late July.

But then the Union faction in the Bundestag resisted the planned regulations. Criticism from the Union faction concerned mainly temporary work for increased sausage production in the barbecue season. According to its own statements, the SPD did not want to dilute the law.

Individual exceptions were already foreseen in the original plans. Butcher shops with up to 49 employees should be excluded. There was criticism from the industry and the exceptions didn’t go far enough. The Greens had criticized “giving way to the interests of the meat industry.” After the agreement, the law should be passed this year and take effect in early 2021.

At first