Save Tax – This is the amount of money you will save next year


When does 2020 finally end? After a year of crown crisis, final Brexit and a harsh power shift in the US, this question is being heard more often today. German taxpayers also have reason to look forward to the turn of the year. Because 2021 will have the “biggest relief effect in years” for them.

This is the conclusion of a study by the Institute of German Economics (IW), aimed at the employer, to be published this Friday and that SPIEGEL received in advance. Calculate the effects of various changes in tax law that will take effect in January. Many of them will be finally decided by the Federal Council this Friday.

  • the Solidarity surcharge It no longer applies to about 90 percent of those previously affected, an additional 6.5 percent only have to pay partially. No change, solos only apply to very high income. At the same time, higher contributions to social security are due, since the additional contribution to compulsory health insurance increases and the maximum limits for the evaluation of contributions are raised.

  • As in previous years, the government resembles the so-called cold progression outside. This means: the basic allowance and the tax rate are adjusted for inflation so that the increase in prices does not generate a higher tax burden. The fit is comparatively generous. Because at the time of his proposal, the government was still assuming an inflation rate of 1.5 percent. In view of the crown crisis, only about 0.5 percent is now expected.

  • too Child benefit Y – free allocation it will increase more clearly in the new year than before. If the child benefit increased by a total of 12 euros per month between 2017 and 2020, it is now an additional 15 euros.

What does this mean for individual taxpayers? IW researchers Martin Beznoska and Tobias Hentze calculated it for different population and income groups. So you can Individual with the change of year a relief of up to good 1000 euros wait. Due to the progressive tax rate, this value is only achieved with a gross income of 6,500 euros per month, after which the relief decreases continuously. This is particularly due to the fact that the solos are gradually raised again. (Note: Move the cursor over the bars to see individual values.)

single parent with a child save even a little less in the new year 1200 eurosTherefore, the maximum deduction due to the child allowance is only achieved with a gross income of 7,000 euros. In the current year, the increase in the relief contribution for single-parent families is also noted. This additional allocation is normally € 1,908 per year, but will be increased to € 4,008 for 2020 and 2021 as part of the crown aid.

The relief in the model calculation for Married with two children. You good at 2,500 euros Except, so the joint income must be 14,000 euros. Those who earn half save a good 1000 euros. It was assumed in the calculation that one partner contributes two thirds and the other partner one third of the gross household income.

Relatively, the relief is higher for single parents with low gross income by a good five percent. This is where the increase in child benefit has the greatest impact, which then decreases with increasing income. In the case of high-income singles, the effect is significantly diminished because they continue to pay alone. For families, savings remain relatively stable, but with high incomes the effect of increasing child benefit decreases.

The IW researchers also calculated relief for 2017, the year of the last federal election. The bottom line is that the grand coalition has “met its self-imposed objectives of the coalition agreement” in terms of fiscal policy. Overall, there is “real relief compared to the beginning of the legislative period.” Compared to 2017, singles will pay up to 2,000 euros less in taxes and fees next year, for single parents the effect is up to 3,000 euros and for families with two children up to 4,500 euros.

The powerful solos were the biggest change the Union and the SPD have brought about. Once again, it was not enough for a comprehensive tax reform in this legislative period. This leaves the so-called “middle-class belly” problem, which describes a particularly steep rise in the tax rate in the lower-wage range. “After the general election next year, a new government should dare to undertake systematic reform,” recommend the IW authors.

Icon: The mirror
