Comedians buy Donald Trump 2024 website and mock the president


Donald Trump should already think about running for president again in four years. Two comedians take this as an opportunity for a clever hit.

  • Donald Trump still doesn’t want to admit his defeat to Joe Biden.
  • However, the president-elect should plan a new attempt at the White House.
  • All information on the outgoing US president can be found on Trump News.

Washington DC – Donald trump continues to fight a losing battle for another term in the White House after January 2021. With angry tweets and insane conspiracy theories, Trump is trying to stay in office despite his clear loss to Joe Biden. But internally, Trump is already considering a plan B.

Donald Trump still has more than enough fans. Will you use it to return to the White House after the 2024 election?


Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler are joking with Donald Trump

As several American media report, he wants Donald trump holds his loyal base together even in the event of a final defeat before the countless courts that his team of lawyers around Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis fight. Because the president-elect doesn’t want to resign as a loser and, if necessary, run again for the presidency in four years. US law does not provide for more than eight years of term for a president, but it does not stipulate that these must be in one piece.

But also the opponents of Donald trump They are already preparing for the 45th President of the United States to seek another term after President Joe Biden’s first four years. Jason selvig Y Davram stiefler (“Undecided: The Movie”), two movie stars and comedians, have already created facts. The website is now available. page content: “I lost the 2020 election”

But contrary to expectations, there is no website initially parked for the team. Donald trump on the other hand, visitors are greeted by a waving Trump. Also, in large capital letters, the imaginary quote: “I lost the 2020 election.” The navigation bar (which is not clickable) consists of the “options” “Trump has lost”, “Trump is a loser” and “Trump has lost the election”. Next to it are two “registration buttons”, which are also indicated only, both with the inscription “Loser”, one normal and one in capital letters.

The footer of the home page consists of “What a loser” and “What a loser” options. In a TikTok video, the two comedians explain that Donald trump the url could have. All you have to do is tweet: “My name is Donald Trump and I have clearly lost the 2020 election. I am a loser. WE ARE SORRY! “The domain was previously hijacked to feature a lavishly designed crown memorial, a Twitter gallery, a” crime wall “and an” auditorium of white superiority. ” (Mirko Schmid)

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