Chancellor Merkel and the country’s leaders want to torture us further?


Unlike other countries, German policy is moving away from a much stricter blockade. So the impotent measures for the people in Germany turn into endless tension.

Do you remember March 16? At the time, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced measures to combat the corona pandemic “that have never been done before.” Closing, stores closed, schools closed. He spoke of the greatest challenge since World War II.

And really everyone in this country immediately understood the gravity of the situation. It was a historic moment.

Photo series with 10 images

The contrast with the present could not be greater. Never before have so many people died with or from a corona infection in Germany on a day like Wednesday (410). Resolutions passed by the federal and state governments on the same day remain powerless and indecisive.

Here and there a tighter tone – it won’t work that way.

Most will hardly notice the “squeeze”

The numbers show: As wise as it may have been to wait for the partial lockdown to take effect, now is the time to admit that it is working too little and too slowly. The daily number of infections remains so high that intensive care units are already reaching their limits in many places.

So extending the lock is logical, but also the minimum. To further restrict contacts as well. The fact that instead of ten people they can now turn five, but children and young people up to 14 years old are not counted, does it really sound like the decisive measure? In any case, most Germans have severely restricted their social life for weeks. Most will hardly notice a “squeeze” like this.

Piecework and not a long-term strategy

Another example: the new limit of 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. From this point on, countries must impose “strict additional measures”. Which are? This could … no, the federal and state governments did not want to agree. Berlin and 62 districts have long been above this, and are now possibly receiving 63 different variants of “additional stringent measures.”

The strategy promised in advance for the whole winter is not that, but more patchwork until Christmas. For the holidays, the rules will be relaxed in most federal states, contrary to all the warnings from virologists and intensive care physicians, who fear another explosion in the numbers in January.

A look outside shows alternatives. France, for example, has decided on a drastic lockdown for a few weeks with a significantly higher number of infections for a short time and thus significantly reduced the number of infections. Asian countries that have been very successful in fighting pandemics have done so and continue to do so. Several studies show that this strategy can also be better for companies.

Intensive medicine and gastronomy suffer

It is very painful each time and this method may need to be used multiple times throughout the fall and winter, but it is also effective quickly, such as pulling off a band-aid.

The federal and state governments apparently tend to loosen the crown patch rather slowly. They strain our whole lives, but above all the capacity of the German intensive care units. If the patch is not removed quickly enough, or if the number of infections is significantly less than it is today, there is a threat of disaster. The same applies, for example, to the catering industry, which is still completely out of perspective.

The new Crown resolutions are too few, too non-binding and vague. The situation of the crown will hardly relax, despite the agonizing tensions for the people in Germany.
