Live US Election Ticker: +++ 07:07 Biden Confidant: So far very few black people have been selected for the top spots +++


James Clyburn, a House Majority Leader and a close ally of Biden, is disappointed, according to a report from The Hill, that African-Americans are not among the first chosen to fill high government positions next year. In an interview, Clyburn welcomed Linda Thomas-Greenfield’s selection of Biden as the United States ambassador to the United Nations. The Democrat complained, however, that so far she has been the only black woman recruited for cabinet seats and other senior positions. “From what I heard, blacks were treated fairly,” Clyburn said. “But so far there is only one black woman. I want to see where the process leads, what it brings,” he added. “But so far it’s not good.”

+++ 06:13 German defense commissioner criticizes Trump’s plans in Afghanistan +++
Bundestag Defense Commissioner Eva Högl is critical of the outgoing US government’s plans to quickly withdraw more troops from Afghanistan. “What we do not need is a hasty and uncontrolled withdrawal of troops and each country acting for itself,” said the SPD politician from the “Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung”. Now it is important that the withdrawal is coordinated by NATO. “The highest priority should be: we can go in together, we all go out together.” Soldiers safety must come first. Högl emphasized that the Bundeswehr was prepared for all scenarios so that an orderly withdrawal could take place.

But German soldiers and other international forces depend on their American partners. “In an emergency, they would have to rescue American soldiers with planes and helicopters.” A total of 1,250 Bundeswehr soldiers are stationed in Afghanistan, most of them in Mazar-i-Sharif. According to the plans of the outgoing president of the United States, Donald Trump, the strength of the American troops will be reduced from around 4,500 to 2,500 troops by January 15. Just five days later, on January 20, Trump will be replaced by Joe Biden.

+++ 03:39 Ministry of Foreign Affairs receives the Biden team +++
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo does not officially recognize Joe Biden’s electoral victory, but his ministry cannot reject the transition process either. On Wednesday (local time), the agency announced that members of Biden’s transition team had arrived to prepare for the handover. A team from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will ensure that they have information and logistical support, including security clearances, legal issues, human resources and information management. Pompeo himself addressed Foreign Ministry staff with a message on Wednesday, which also referred to Election Day, but did not comment on the election result.

+++ 01:34 Trump calls on Pennsylvania MPs to the White House +++
In reality, Trump’s private attorney, Rudy Giuliani, and possibly the president himself, wanted to travel to Pennsylvania on Wednesday for a “hearing.” Subject: Allegations of alleged electoral fraud in the state. Due to another crown case in Trump’s election campaign team, the trip had to be canceled. But the loser remains vigilant: Trump has invited Republican MPs from Pennsylvania to the White House for the night. He had already called for the meeting in Pennsylvania. The outgoing president, on the other hand, seems to be less interested in government affairs, he made no public appearance today.

+++ 23:17 ECB Vice President Praises US Treasury Secretary
ECB Vice President Luis de Guindos welcomes the appointment of the former president of the United States Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, as future Secretary of the United States Treasury by the president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden. “Janet’s appointment is good news for the United States and the world economy,” said ECB Deputy Director Christine Lagarde at the European Central Bank (ECB) virtual press conference on the release of the financial stability report. “Janet Yellen knows exactly what the US economy needs. She is fully aware of the implications that US economic policy will have for the world economy,” de Guindos said.

+++ 21:53 Biden directly criticizes the president, Trump responds: “You cheated” +++
US President-elect Joe Biden has indirectly criticized incumbent Donald Trump for questioning the election results. “Our democracy has been put to the test this year,” Biden said, speaking before Thanksgiving in Wilmington. “In the United States we have full, fair and free elections. And then we accept the results.” Trump, meanwhile, stuck to his unfounded version of winning the presidential election. “The Democrats lost the election. They cheated,” Trump said through the audio switch at a meeting of Republican senators in the US state of Pennsylvania. “We have to change the elections.”

In light of a “dramatic increase” in new corona infections, Biden also called for “doubling down” efforts to contain the pandemic in speech. Many Americans are already tired of the issue, but with the harsh winter crown ahead, now is the time to arm yourself with new determination, the future US president demanded. “We have months to go in this fight,” Biden said.

+++ 21:20 Is Biden too old? +++
Former Tagesthemen spokesman Ulrich Wickert does not view the aging of US President-designate Joseph Biden Jr. (78) as a problem. “This Mr. Trump, who didn’t work all the time in his office, but watched a lot of television and played golf, is only two or three years younger,” says Wickert, who, like Biden, was born in 1942, in the weekly “Die Zeit “. “We had a very old chancellor in Adenauer. Mitterrand in France was old and ill and still ruling. The Queen in England is over 90 years old. So I think it’s wrong to make age the dominant issue.”

+++ 19:59 after the end of the presidency: Ivanka wants to live in Trump’s golf club +++
Following the end of President Trump’s term, his daughter Ivanka Trump, who is also an adviser to the president, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner are planning a quick exit from the US capital. According to the New York Times, the majority of the Trump family are expected to return to Manhattan when their presidency ends on January 20. Ivanka and Jared, however, would already be making preparations to expand their country home on the Trump National Golf Club grounds in order to live there. The president’s daughter appears to be putting off her political ambitions for now.

+++ 19:14 Cooperation in sight: Fauci confirms that he is talking to Biden employees +++
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the US Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, has not yet personally reached out to President-elect Joe Biden, but has spoken with his staff, the top US immunologist told the ABC television network. So far, it has been “nothing essential in the sense of plans”, but to make contact first. Now that the transition to Biden is underway, concrete plans will be discussed “very soon.”

Read what happened on the US election ticker here.
