Bund-Länder meeting: show of strength despite unity | tagesschau.de


There was agreement on the big lines, there were really no surprising new specs. And yet: the federal-state meeting demanded a lot from the participants, he analyzed Daniel pokraka. For several reasons.

An analysis by Daniel Pokraka, ARD capital studio

Shortly before 10 p.m., the chancellor finally smiles, a smile upon herself. Angela Merkel gets stuck with AHA rules: keep your distance, everyday masks … what else? “” Well, you will know “, the Chancellor smiles at the journalists in the room, and from the right he smiles and helps the mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller:” Hygiene is king! “

Merkel is used to long meetings, in Brussels it often lasts until dawn, but Corona’s meetings with the prime ministers of the federal states demand a lot even from the chancellor, who is actually able to concentrate.

Dispute over school buses

The road to joint Crown measures for December was long and bumpy. The dispute over money for school buses was one of the reasons. With money, friendship also ends in the crisis of the Crown. Merkel and the country’s leaders reportedly argued for a particularly long time over who pays for additional school buses and other means of transportation. They should be used so that trips to school are no longer a massive event and therefore a risk of infection.

Apparently there were fewer disputes in the group over the broad lines that had been agreed to further combat the pandemic: tighter contact restrictions, but a relaxation around Christmas and New Year’s Eve, an expansion of the mask requirement, more home offices. , fewer customers in stores, government aid worth billions. as in November.

Dramatic warnings of more corona deaths

The reason given by Merkel, Müller and the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder, was that the stagnation in the number of infections was a partial success that should not be jeopardized.

On the contrary: the numbers should go down. Müller and Söder noted the increasing number of deaths. Müller explained that a quarter of the intensive care beds at the Charité hospital in Berlin are now occupied by corona patients, most of them on the ventilator. And Söder estimated there would be 6,000 more wreath deaths in Germany by Christmas if the current trend solidified for weeks.

Müller and Söder numbers

A few weeks ago, the chancellor had warned of a “disaster” at a conference of prime ministers. Müller and Söder have now added numbers to this warning. According to the wishes of the prime ministers and the chancellor, citizens should partly draw the consequences from these figures. The wish: Please don’t exhaust everything allowed.

The group avoided clear new guidelines, such as a New Year’s Eve fireworks ban, which could alleviate traditionally busy hospitals on New Year’s Eve, as well as an exact specification for the railroad that typically only occupies one of two spots.

After 40 minutes, the chancellor ended the press conference on Corona’s new rules, knowing full well that she will have to discuss them intensively on Thursday. Merkel makes a government statement in the Bundestag, the day after the meeting with the prime minister, as in October when the “closing light” for November was decided.
