Corona measures: “We still need some effort”


The partial lockdown will last at least until December 20 and some measures will be further toughened. Contacts would have to be further restricted, Chancellor Merkel said after consultations with countries.

In the fight against the corona pandemic, the federal and state governments agreed to new restrictions. The closing light with closed catering, leisure and culture facilities will run until December 20. Chancellor Merkel said after deliberations that the measures are expected to run until early January.

The number of contacts needs to be further reduced, which is why they have agreed to additional restrictions. It continues to depend on each and every individual. Merkel asked for patience, solidarity and discipline.

Extra tightening

Contact requirements are further toughened: private gatherings must be limited to your own home and another home; then a maximum of five people is allowed. Children up to 14 years old are exempt from the rule.

These rules will be relaxed for Christmas and New Years Eve. As of December 23, meetings “with the closest family or friends” should be possible, up to a maximum of ten people. Associated children up to 14 years of age should be exempt from this. The exemption must apply “at the latest” until January 1.

The measures will be toughened for the retail sector. In the smallest stores, there should only be one customer for every ten square meters, in the largest stores it is 20 square meters per person.

From the eighth grade onwards, hybrid and alternate instruction must be used in schools. In particularly severely affected corona hotspots, there will be even more restrictive measures than before.

Third threshold for hotspot regions

According to the Chancellor, the federal and state governments have established a third threshold for incidents of seven days. With more than 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, even stricter restrictions would have to be imposed. This currently affects the whole of Berlin and 62 districts in Germany.

Countries can relax or tighten on their own

According to the resolutions of the Crown Summit, federal states can decide in the future, depending on the contagion situation, whether to relax or tighten the measures. Berlin Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) said after the talks that federal states with very good numbers now have a chance to make things easier. At the same time, countries with a very high number of infections are obliged to address it and examine a possible hardening.
