Corona Rules at a Glance – Contact Restrictions with Exceptions for Christmas


Germany Corona resolutions

Contact restrictions, partial blocking, Christmas: the new rules at a glance

| Reading time: 4 minutes

What countries demand at the Corona Summit

Extension of the partial lockdown and relaxation during Christmas: This is the predictable coronation course of the federal and state governments for the next few weeks. The heads of country are discussing more crown measures with Chancellor Merkel today.

Private gatherings need to be more strictly limited to control the pandemic. However, the federal and state governments agree on special rules for Christmas. There are also additional requirements for retail stores and schools.

reThe Crown restrictions will run until early January. This was announced by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers of the federal states after more than seven hours of joint consultations. At various press conferences in Berlin and in state capitals, politicians provided information on new measures to contain the crown pandemic.

The situation does not allow the November measures to be lifted, Merkel said. “We need another effort,” said the chancellor. That is why the federal and state governments have agreed to continue and, in some cases, toughen the crown’s protective measures.

This includes a new stage in the fight against pandemics: from an incidence of more than 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week, stricter restrictions will be introduced. So far, corona measurements have been adjusted from a seven-day incidence of 35 and 50. Saxony-Anhalt Prime Minister Rainer Haseloff spoke of “superhotspots.”

The other resolutions at a glance:

Tighter contact restrictions, exceptions at Christmas

Be to contain the corona pandemic private meetings with friends, family and acquaintances to the maximum five people limited from your own home and another home. Children up to 14 years old are not covered by the regulation. Schleswig-Holstein wants to adhere to its own contact restrictions. So far, meetings between members of up to two households with a maximum of ten people have been allowed.

about Christmas restrictions will be relaxed, as has already been known. As of December 23, meetings “with the closest family or friends” should be possible, ten people all in all. Associated children up to 14 years of age should be exempt from this. The exemption must apply “at the latest” until January 1. This means that individual federal states could revert to the original restrictions sooner.

Alternate Eighth Grade Lessons

Long-range demands of the federal government for a strong equalization of teaching in schools meanwhile he rejected the countries. The round determined that hybrid lessons or alternate lessons at Corona hotspots should be possible starting in the eighth grade, but not across the country.

Due to the infections, Merkel urged students and teachers to take more action. However, some countries insisted on their responsibilities. They also doubted that schools are a crucial access point or cite organizational difficulties, such as class division. Northern German prime ministers also point to the decline in the number of infections in their countries.

The issue was debated at the conference for over an hour, reported Bodo Ramelow (Linke). The Prime Minister of Thuringia announced that all children and young people in the particularly affected Hildburghausen district would be assessed.

New guidelines for retail

There could be long lines in front of supermarkets before Christmas. Prime ministers and the federal government have also agreed to im retail trade apply a stepped procedure. In stores with more than 800 square meters of sales area, only one person should be allowed for every 20 square meters in the future. Until now it was one person for every 10 square meters. This is reported by various media that cite groups of participants.

For businesses with less than 800 square meters of sales area, the previous regulations will be maintained. In detail, the following is planned: up to an area of ​​800 square meters, there should be no more than one person for every 10 square meters; In the area that exceeds 800 square meters, no more than one person for every 20 square meters.

A general prohibition of New year fireworks there won’t be. However, federal states and municipalities should ban firecrackers “in busy squares and streets” to avoid larger groups. There is also talk of a recommendation to avoid New Year’s Eve fireworks. Nor should there be public fireworks like at the Brandenburg Gate.

The federal government should avoid ski holidays in Europe

According to the will of the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder (CSU) Ski holiday it will be canceled this winter. In the conversations it was imposed with this requirement: The federal and state governments want to reach an agreement at the European level to avoid ski tourism before January 10. “The federal government is asked to work at the European level to ensure that ski tourism is not allowed until January 10,” says the federal and state government decision.

Extensions initially limited to December 20

For formal reasons, the Corona Summit decision was extended to December 20th Thuringian Prime Minister Ramelow said the measures would be extended again until early January. The time limit is derived from paragraph 28a of the Infection Protection Act, which only allows restrictions for four weeks.

“No one assumes that we will have gas stores, restaurants or hotels open for the new year,” Ramelow said. The common goal remains to reach the value of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days.
