Federal and state governments extend corona measures


The federal and state governments discussed the wreath strategy for Christmas and New Years. Some points were already known during the summit. Thuringian Prime Minister Ramelow is the first to appear before the press.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the country’s leaders agreed on new crown measures. Thuringian Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow said after the video conference that the measures will run until December 20. At Christmas there should be some relaxation, other restrictions should apply until the end of the year. Merkel now comments on the new measures.

9.30 pm.: The partial lockdown has been only partially successful, says Merkel. It prevented hospital wards from being overloaded and many people dying. But one could not be satisfied with that. “The situation does not allow us to lift the November measures,” Merkel said. “We need another effort.”

9:33 pm: The current situation does not allow the measures to be lifted at the end of November. Although the exponential growth of new infections could be broken, that is not enough. The country is still “too far” from the target of less than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. “Now it depends on each and every individual,” says Merkel. “It’s going to be a difficult time.”

9:36 pm.: Some federal states, such as Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, could ease the measures due to fewer infections, but in other cases there must be a tightening.

9:39 pm .: Everyone agreed that schools should remain open, says Merkel. However, if the incidence is 200, that is, if there is an “extreme infection situation”, it should be exacerbated. This doesn’t just apply to schools. This “extreme infection situation” currently affects all of Berlin and 62 districts of Germany.

9.41 pm .: There were intense negotiations, says Merkel. This is confirmed by the mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, that everyone was aware of the seriousness of the situation. Some federal states are doing well, but at the national level the situation is still very bad. Countries should be able to relax and tighten crown measures independently, Müller says.

9.47 pm.: Müller asks the population not to necessarily celebrate large family celebrations now. It is a matter of life and death. Positive news about vaccines will not bring any relief for the next few days.

9.49pm.: The partial shutdown was not as successful as expected, says Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder. That’s because it wasn’t as tough as the one in spring or in some neighboring countries. The values ​​of new infections are not currently increasing, but are stable at one level. However, it is still the highest number we have ever had, says Markus Söder.

9:51 pm.: Söder thanks the federal government for the broad support to the industries in question. That is the most far-reaching support in Europe.

21:54 pm.: “The holidays must not turn into a setback again,” says Söder. Until now, the holidays have always had a negative effect on the infection rate.

9:58 pm.: Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer defended the new measures in a separate press conference: “With the current level of infections, we will not go through the winter.” No relaxation of the measures is in sight. On the contrary, more restrictions are necessary.

Ramelow: No New Year’s Eve ban

Ramelow said there shouldn’t be a blanket New Year’s Eve ban. The federal and state governments, however, say there should be no large public gatherings. According to “Bild”, the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder (CSU), addressed the group with disturbing words: “We must not waste time. The death rate is currently as high as if a plane crashed every day”, said. Even before the video summit there has been a dispute about a possible tightening, but also a possible relaxation of measures during the holidays. Read more about it here. Because despite the partial blockade in which Germany has been since the beginning of November, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported this Wednesday 18,633 new infections and 410 deaths in 24 hours – the highest daily number of victims in Germany to date.

The deliberations of the chancellor and regional leaders began on Wednesday at 2:00 p.m., after which those involved want to appear before the press. The first results can be expected in the early afternoon.

On Thursday, the chancellor wants to make a government statement in the Bundestag, government spokesman Steffen Seibert announced.
