Coronavirus: Federal and state governments are planning these new measures


Prime ministers have tightened the crown measures planned in a new draft resolution.

In the document that is available to SPIEGEL, some passages are still unclear. In general, however, it seems that numerous points have already been established, especially since apparently there is already a prior agreement with the Foreign Ministry. This makes it likely that the measures can be approved as planned at the meeting of the country’s leaders with Chancellor Angela Merkal on Wednesday.

These are the plans in detail:

  • Am retail trade the maximum number of customers in stores will be further reduced. It is about “ensuring that there is no more than one customer for every 25 square meters of sales area in stores,” says the draft; the exact number is still disputed. So far, the limit is one person in ten square meters. In addition, the use of a mask should be mandatory in front of stores and in parking lots.

  • A “More generous trial option” you should keep infections on Christmas days as low as possible. How exactly access to rapid corona tests should be simplified has not yet been determined.

  • Another aspect to reinforce is also vague Controls of corona measurements. It is said, for example, that controls “must be intensified in all areas and also to verify compliance with quarantine regulations through controls that are not suspected of being suspicious, especially in the border area.”

  • the Christmas holidays should nationally privileged be. An exact date has not yet been set. The first date mentioned for the start of the holidays, December 16, was the subject of criticism. On Tuesday night it was said that on December 19 an agreement had been reached with the Foreign Ministry.

  • The federal and state governments also appeal to citizens who Contacts to a minimum to reduce. “All citizens are asked to avoid any unnecessary contact and to stay home if possible,” he says. Specifically, it says: »Private meetings with friends, family and acquaintances should be limited to one’s own and that of another household, but in any case to a maximum of 5 people. Children up to 14 years of age are exempt from this. ‘An exception should only apply to Schleswig-Holstein, where the number of infections is lower than the national average. And in general, there should be exceptions for the holidays. From December 23 to January 1, up to ten people should be able to meet privately.

  • Also for the so-called vulnerable group measures should be expanded. For example, starting in December, people especially in need of protection will be required to hand in a total of 15 FFP2 masks for a small personal contribution. For nursing home residents, visitor opportunities will be expanded: instead of 20 is now 30 rapid tests per month provided for each person needing care or care. For example, “residents of institutions should be able to receive family visits in the safest conditions possible.”

  • At the turn of the year, it is recommended to avoid the New Year’s fireworks. In fact, it is only prohibited in busy squares and streets.

  • There should also be changes in rail traffic. According to the draft, only one seat should be reserved per double seat. Then the aisle seats would be blocked. But there is no final agreement yet.

It is still a draft resolution and a regulation has not yet been established. In general, however, it can be assumed that the prime ministers of the federal states and Chancellor Merkel will decide on the measures at their conference on Wednesday.

To the Measures for schools on the other hand, little has changed. Alternative instruction should be introduced when incidence is “above the national average,” he said. But that has yet to be decided. You can find an overview of the other planned restrictions here:

It had become apparent that the old template would still be revised; some countries still had clear requests for changes.

An earlier draft resolution had been criticized by CSU chief Markus Söder. Söder had called for the proposals from previous countries to be reinforced.

Even the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann (Greens), was not completely convinced of the current concept of states. Among other things, he believes that the period of the proposed relaxation from December 23 to January 1 is too long, Kretschmann said.

It is also clear that despite the relaxation during the holidays, citizens must be prepared for a longer shutdown. The draft resolution states: “The federal and state governments are assuming that significant restrictions will also be required beyond the turn of the year due to the high incidence of infections.” Another review and evaluation will take place before Christmas.

Editor’s Note: In a previous version it was said that the federal and state governments had agreed on December 16 as the date for the early start of the holidays. In fact, the exact date is still unclear, currently December 19 is under discussion. We have adjusted the corresponding passage.

Icon: The mirror
