Several federal states are pushing for special regulations ahead of the Corona summit


Updated on November 24, 2020 at 5:00 pm

  • On Wednesday, Prime Minister and Chancellor Angela Merkel will meet at a switchboard to decide on new measures to contain the corona pandemic.
  • The heads of country have already formulated a far-reaching draft resolution
  • Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxony-Anhalt insist on special and relaxing regulations.

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Nationally, new corona virus infections are still at a high level. The Robert Koch Institute’s map of Germany glows bright red, only the north glows orange, here and there even yellow.

Currently, only two federal states are below the seven-day incidence of 50 new infections per 100,000 residents: Schleswig-Holstein (47.2) and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (48.6). The average value in Germany is currently 155.3, three times more.

Due to the low number of corona infections, Schleswig-Holstein wants that from other countries does not support the toughest planned contact restrictions. Private meetings are still possible in the north with up to ten people.

In one of the draft resolutions of the federal states for consultations with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) this Wednesday, there is a corresponding footnote. In the other federal states, the number will be limited to five people, with the exception of children up to 14 years of age.

Read also: All current information on the corona pandemic on our live blog

Schwesig wants the possibility of easing the incidence below 50

In addition to Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is pushing for relaxation rules, even if they are not to be applied immediately. “Despite all the differences in the Federal Republic, we tried establish common rules, which, however, are applied according to the incidence of the number of cases it must, “Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig said Tuesday afternoon at a news conference in Schwerin.

The SPD politician, along with Schleswig-Holstein Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) and Saxony-Anhalt Head of State Reiner Haseloff (CDU), campaigned for the states. with a seven-day incidence of premature relief “significantly below 50” can do.

“We need this incentive to keep trying,” Schwesig said. At the same time, looking at the figures in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, he stressed that “currently” he does not see opportunities for relaxation.

Dobrindt criticizes easing plans

On the other hand, the leader of the CSU regional group, Alexander Dobrindt, sees the proposal of the federal states to be able to dispense with the restrictions in case of lower contagion rates in certain regions: “What still belongs to there is one consistent hotspot strategy. “

If the infection rate is higher in certain regions than in the rest of Germany, there must be an opportunity to take stronger regional measures, Dobrindt demanded.

According to him, it is not appropriate to say that there are easing measures in certain regions. This would lead to behavioral changes and new infections in these regions. To obtain acceptance of the measurements, one must contact one uniform focus Orient yourself, Dobrindt said.

Why North Has Better Crown Values

Unlike Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is helping to further strengthen contacts, Prime Minister Schwesig said. Until further notice, the Two Household and Five Person Compliance Restriction stay – to be able to relax before Christmas.

Schwesig’s plan: “We don’t want ping-pong, we want to take advantage of the time in November and December to have more room for maneuver during Christmas and the New Year.”

There are several theses why the north has so far weathered the second wave of the corona pandemic comparatively lightly:

  • the low population density in countries like Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania it should play a role. The northeastern federal state is the least populated in Germany.
  • Maybe people are better attached to them Containment measures.
  • In the end, it could also be in Bad luck and luck lie. So far, the North has been spared the momentous superprocessor events. Only one could change the statistics.

(afp / dpa / mf)

According to the will of the federal states, family celebrations at Christmas will be possible on a limited basis. Prime ministers have agreed to this. Decisions with Chancellor Merkel will be made on Wednesday.
