Agreement between countries: extension of measures almost certain


It should have been good deliberations: the country’s leaders apparently agree that the partial shutdown should last until December 20. The final decision, also on detailed issues, will be made on Wednesday.

The extension of the partial closure in Germany until shortly before Christmas is almost certain. The minister-presidents of the federal states agreed on Monday night that the measures, which were limited to the end of November, must continue throughout the country until December 20. Agencies dpa and Reuters report, citing groups of participants. A final decision must be made during consultations between Chancellor Angela Merkel and the federal states on Wednesday.

If the partial closure is extended, restaurants, leisure and cultural facilities that have been closed since the beginning of November would remain closed. The extension of the measures is aimed at significantly improving the situation of the crown.

Ambiguity about exceptions

Tighter contact restrictions for private gatherings and possibly an expanded mask requirement in schools were also discussed. It was not clear if the anti-corona measures should always be extended to 14 days on December 20, if the infection rate does not decrease significantly – or if the course will be debated again in mid-December. It also remained open if there would be exceptions for areas with low infection rates.

The Prime Ministers’ deliberations lasted four and a half hours. The atmosphere should have been good. On Tuesday around noon, negotiations should resume between the heads of the state chancellery and the head of the chancellery, Helge Braun. In the course of the day, the drafting of a document is expected from which Merkel will be consulted on Wednesday.

The federal government could insist on stricter measures

According to information from dpa, skepticism was expressed in country circles about whether the foreign minister would be satisfied with the countries’ proposals. The federal government is expected to impose stricter requirements for school regulations and Christmas requirements than states are willing to settle. During the most recent talks a week ago, Merkel failed with a proposal for more extensive contact restrictions and regulations in schools due to a veto from the federal states.

After consultations with the federal states, the chancellor wants to make a government statement in the Bundestag on Thursday, government spokesman Steffen Seibert has announced. The federal government had already promised to extend November aid to provide financial support to businesses affected by shutdowns and solo freelancers like artists if the partial lockdown extends into December. This is likely to cost billions more.

Over the weekend, politicians at the federal and state levels had already prepared citizens for an extension of the contact restrictions that initially apply until the end of November. Saxony-Anhalt Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff stressed on Monday that the heads of government of the federal states agreed that there was no time for relaxation: “We are therefore advocating an extension of the partial blockade.”

According to information from dpa, no agreement was reached on the issue of the ban on New Year’s Eve. It was emphasized that decisions should only be made on Wednesday in deliberations of the federal and state governments. Consequently, the ban on fireworks on New Year’s Eve in certain public places was discussed.
