The end of Donald Trump has begun


The Donald Trump administration is preparing new President Joe Biden for his job. Trump doesn’t want this to be seen as an admission of defeat. He is working on his legend.

Donald Trump hasn’t Tweeted in 6 p.m. at 6:16 p.m. Washington time writing what many in America and the world have been waiting for for two weeks. Or at least something like that.

In “the best interest of the country,” he recommended that GSA chief Emily Murphy “do whatever it takes,” Trump writes. He told his team to do the same. It is Trump’s most cryptic way of acknowledging that Joe Biden will be in the White House as of January 20.

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No admission of defeat, but almost more important

Of course, it is not an open admission of defeat that Trump has published. On the contrary. He writes that his campaign against the election result will continue vigorously. “We will continue to fight the good fight and I believe we will prevail!”

But there probably won’t be much more admission from Trump. His unsubstantiated allegations that his election was stolen should continue even after Joe Biden is president. And yet, the step is essential. Because he initiates the so-called transition, the orderly handover to President-elect Joe Biden.

The GSA administrative authority is responsible for initiating the transition. Actually, it is a purely formal act. The “obvious winner” of the election will receive significant resources even before entering the White House. Just to get used to it. It’s all about things like email addresses, but also access to government buildings, administrative employees, offices, and last but not least, a lot of money.

“Dangerous and abnormal”

Murphy had so far refused to sign the necessary letter. She has now done that. The GSA chief justified her hesitation in the letter with the fact that there were still accounts and complaints. Strictly speaking, they still exist now. And they won’t be stopped by this formal GSA move, either. If a major fraud is found somewhere, the entire transfer of power could be canceled without any problem.

Critics have pointed this out time and time again. Even several Republicans cautiously drew attention to this in recent days. Obama aide Ben Rhodes notes on Twitter that the 2016 vote was much closer in some states and that the transition still began a day after the election. “Never forget how dangerous and abnormal everything was.”

Murphy is considered a loyal Republican, she was installed by Trump three years ago. In his letter, however, he insists that he did not delay the decision out of fear of the president or preference for another Trump term. Instead, Murphy complains that there are no clear rules and standards for the decision. And it contradicts the president.

The supposedly strong man

Because while Trump claims on Twitter that he recommended Murphy to begin the transition, the GSA chief herself writes that there has never been any direct or indirect pressure from the administration or the White House regarding timing and decision.

Only one thing can be true. Maybe they are both wrong.

Donald Trump’s claim is about continuing to determine his destiny, or at least pretending to be. He is working on his legend. His fight against the elections increasingly eludes him. One lawsuit after another fails, the last major one in Pennsylvania. The US media report that the president is increasingly unhappy with the way his infamous lawyer Rudy Giuliani is doing his job.

And despite all Trump’s attempts to prevent the Michigan election result from being confirmed, the nonpartisan body did exactly that Monday afternoon: it certified the result. Trump is running out of chances for a miracle.

Biden can start

The New York Times claims to have learned that several advisers acted on Trump Monday morning, including Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Trump’s personal attorney Jay Sekulow. Trump doesn’t have to admit defeat, but the transition must begin, they are supposed to have argued. Because the process is so important.

Joe Biden won’t care how the decision was made in the beginning. It is important to him and his team that they exist now. $ 6.3 million has been released for the smooth transition. Biden receives critical intelligence from the intelligence community and his team is officially authorized to speak to government officials. About how the coronavirus vaccine can be better distributed. A daunting task.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump posted another tweet Monday night. Includes a video of one of your favorite Fox News anchors, Tucker Carlson. The theme: the supposedly rigged election.
