Before Wednesday’s Corona summit: these are the three points of contention between the federal states – politics


On Wednesday, the country’s leaders will meet again with the federal government in a video link. At the top of Corona, the outlook should be until Christmas, possibly even the turn of the year.

In view of the continued high level of infection, hardly anyone expects the current restrictions to expire at the end of November. But what’s next in December?

He too Union-led federal states apparently they want to extend the partial blockade that was in effect in November until December 20. This is based on a position paper that is available to the Tagesspiegel. Already on Friday was learned that the Countries led by the SPD also expressed in a document for extension to this day.

Saxony-Anhalt Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) confirmed on Monday that an agreement had been reached between the Union-led states. “The differences are very small,” Haselhoff said, referring to the ideas of the countries governed by the SPD. But again, there is not as much agreement as claimed. Because a look at the proposals shows differences on some key issues, but also similarities. Here is the overview:

Controversial point of incidence: when is it relieved?

the Unionsländer suggest that in countries and counties that are less than 50 new infections per week per 100,000 crown restraints can be relaxed. As of Monday lunchtime, only Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and around a dozen districts could benefit from this. On the contrary, measures in critical districts can also be strengthened locally. It is unclear if this also applies to the period before December 20.

According to the will of Countries led by the SPD However, federal states should only have an incidence of 35 new infections per 100,000 population in seven days deviate from the restrictions and relax. But that before December 20. If the measures have not yet led to a reduction across Germany, for example in incidence and other “relevant factors”, the measures will be extended for two weeks. Countries that adhere to the 1950s incidence can relax measures.

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Schools of controversial points: who should wear a mask and when?

The presiding ministers of the countries of the Union demand a basic requirement of mask in front of and in the facilities of all schools; however, exceptions should be possible for elementary schools. The circumstances in which exemptions may be granted have not yet been specified. The filing of the SPD states provides for a mask requirement only beginning in the seventh grade.

Two schoolgirls with mouth and nose protection in Munich.Photo: Matthias Balk / dpa

Controversial New Year’s Eve: is it possible to shoot?

Another possible point of contention is fireworks and New Year’s Eve fireworks. While the SPD governments want to ban this completely, are the Union-led countries apparently against a blanket sales ban. Instead, there should only be an appeal and a ban in crowded places.

Fireworks at the Brandenburg Gate.Photo: Ralf Hirschberger / dpa

common ground contact and support restrictions

The similarities refer to the contact restrictions. Meetings should be limited to meetings with people from your own home as well as from another home, but a maximum of five people. Children up to 14 years old are excluded from this rule. The possibility of easing contact restrictions during the Christmas period is being considered.

The SPD and the states governed by the Union also want to extend state aid to affected companies until December 20. In addition, the Union-led countries want to examine the easing of data protection to make the Corona warning application more effective.

What does the federal government want?

The government also apparently assumes that the measures will extend beyond November. According to reports on Sunday, Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) will take on an additional debt of 65 billion euros. This includes an additional “lock buffer”, as “Bild” spells.

Chancellor Angela Merkel he had already made it clear after the last meeting that he expected further decisions. A “united and joint response” from the federal and state governments is necessary, Merkel said in Berlin on Sunday. “We’re working on that now.”

Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) Said the “Bild am Sonntag” (BamS): “Everything indicates that the current restrictions should continue for a time beyond November 30”. He said that despite the visible results, “it is not enough.” Everyone suspects that “there must be extensions” of the measures taken.

A big question still open is what rules should be applied during the holidays. Chancellery Minister Helge Braun (CDU) he told “Redaktions Netzwerk Deutschland” on Saturday: “For me it is inconceivable that grandparents don’t celebrate at Christmas. “So you have to be especially careful.”

Braun emphasized: “More important than the number of people who get together is that you reduce your contacts beforehand and make sure that no one has symptoms.”

But not only at Christmas, but especially New Year Eve they are focused. At the Union parliamentary group meeting on Tuesday, Merkel is said to have said the question of how to design New Year’s Eve was “even more complicated.” This should also be discussed at European level.

If, for example, Austria falls relatively quickly from the very high infection rate due to the harsh blockade there, one must be careful that not everything falls apart again on New Years Eve when the ski season starts there.
