Crown measurements: a little closure, probably even after Christmas


It was a busy weekend for the heads of the federal state chancellery: they joined forces several times in different groups to discuss how to proceed with the corona pandemic. Now apparently there is the role on which the prime ministers agreed internally on Monday and with which they want to enter into consultations with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on Wednesday.

According to a draft resolution from the state of Berlin, which has been received by SPIEGEL, the closure that had previously been applied in Germany will continue until December 20. Berlin currently holds the presidency of the Prime Minister’s Conference. Suggestions from preliminary discussions between federal states have reportedly been incorporated into the document.

Only in regions “that have an incidence of less than 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in 7 days and a downward trend in incidence” could there be a decrease earlier, he says.

According to the template, the background to the spread is that so far there has only been a “side trend” in reducing the number of new infections: the numbers are at a consistently high level. This means that “the real goal of a significant reduction in new infections has not yet been achieved,” says the draft resolution of the heads of country.

To prevent discussions about the subsequent course of the pandemic flare up again shortly before Christmas, the country’s leaders propose an automatic mechanism: if it is not successful before December 20, decisive indicators such as the R-value, the occupation of the units of intensive care and advocacy “To push significantly”, the restrictions currently in place will be automatically extended again for 14 days.

Proposals for federal states are intended to prevent a fiasco like the last conference with the Chancellor last week.

Müller: “It is not enough”

“We agree that a lot has been achieved, but not enough. Although exponential growth has slowed down, the number of infections is still too high, “Berlin Mayor Michael Müller of the German Press Agency said on Sunday.” In this context, it is currently inconceivable that we can now revoke the measures. previously agreed “, emphasized the president of the prime ministers conference.” Currently we are discussing among ourselves how much time we have to extend and how exactly we plan it. We are on the right track, so we will have drawn up a resolution by Wednesday, the federal and state governments will discuss together again. “

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) told Bild am Sonntag: “If we break the lockdown at this high level of infection numbers and lose patience, then everything will start again and we will end with even tougher measures than now. in the Czech Republic or Austria. ” And: “Better a lock longer a restriction full output during Christmas.”

Without an extension, the restrictions would have to expire at the end of November. It’s unclear how long they should last beyond that. “In any case, two or better three weeks,” says Söder. That would be until shortly before Christmas.

The Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer (SPD), expects restrictions also during Christmas and New Year’s Eve. She told the Süddeutsche Zeitung that at Christmas and New Year’s Eve people should be able to meet their loved ones. But: “It is also clear that here we also have to limit contacts.”

According to the newspaper, the SPD wants to allow meetings with people “who do not belong to the home”, the upper limit could be ten people, children under 14 years old are not included.

Dreyer said: “It will be possible to have a small group of people in the New Years, but big New Years parties or big crowds in popular places are definitely too great a risk. We have to avoid that. “

Söder: “New Year’s Eve again more consistent”

Before that, Chancellor Helge Braun had told the Germany publishing network (RND / Saturday): “I can’t imagine my grandparents not celebrating at Christmas.”

Söder said Christmas should be “free”, “but the New Year’s Eve should be more consistent.” By New Year’s Eve he would like firecrackers and alcohol to be banned in larger venues. “But there is no need for a blanket ban on firecrackers.”

For Finance Minister Olaf Scholz, it is also “clear” that financial support must also continue. It would be “financially challenging and complicated under European law” to replace 75 percent of the previous year’s sales in December as well, as he said in “Bild am Sonntag”. But it’s about securing livelihoods.

Söder also sees it this way: aid should flow for the duration of the closure. “So there must also be 75 percent of sales in the same month last year in December,” said the Bavarian prime minister, according to the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung”. This should also apply to traders and market traders, who usually have their places in the Christmas markets in December.

Icon: The mirror
