Presidency: New legal defeat for Trump in the fight against the electoral results


United States election Presidential office

New legal defeat of Trump in the fight against the electoral results

| Reading time: 4 minutes

Still weird: Trump’s first official appearance in a week

In his first official appearance in a week, current United States President Donald Trump declared once again that he had won the election. But there would have been campaigns against him by the pharmaceutical industry.

Trump wanted to invalidate millions of votes. The reason: alleged “massive electoral fraud.” Now it has to suffer setbacks in important states. In Michigan, even his friends in the Republican Party ignore him.

meIn a federal court in the US state of Pennsylvania, current US President Donald Trump missed another defeat in his fight against the election results. Trump’s attorneys had only presented “worthless proven legal arguments and speculative allegations” with no evidence, Judge Matthew Brann wrote in a statement released Saturday night (local time) for his decision. Trump and his Republican allies have also suffered defeat in other lawsuits in Michigan, Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

The injunction requested by Trump to prevent Pennsylvania from certifying the election results was rejected. Trump’s lawsuit was also aimed at potentially invalidating millions of absentee votes. The arguments and evidence presented would not even have been sufficient to declare the “single voter” vote invalid, the judge wrote. “Our people, our laws and institutions demand more,” he wrote.

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In the important state, which has 20 constituencies to assign, Democrat Joe Biden prevailed. According to US media forecasts, Biden now has 306 voters, significantly more than the majority of 270 votes needed to win. However, Trump refuses to admit defeat, claiming that massive electoral fraud occurred in the November 3 election. However, it has not provided strong evidence of this. For this reason, the judges have already dismissed several of their claims.

In the state of Georgia, Trump requested another vote recount in due time on Saturday. The corresponding request was submitted on Saturday, his campaign team said. His lawyers said this was to ensure that all legal votes were counted. Trump had until Tuesday to request another recount. He was able to do this because the gap between the candidates is less than 0.5 percentage points.

Georgia had already checked the ballot papers herself. Then, Biden’s lead over Trump was reduced from around 14,000 to 12,670 votes. Responsible Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Governor Brian Kemp had confirmed the results on Friday afternoon. Biden won the votes of all 16 state electors. Judge Steven Grimberg had dismissed the lawsuit of a conservative lawyer on Friday night (local time), with which he wanted to stop the authentication of the result of the elections in Georgia.

The Georgia court also dismissed a plaintiff’s attack on mail ballots. Granting the court order requested by the plaintiff “would create confusion, undermine public confidence in the election, and potentially drive more than one million voters out of Georgia,” he said.

Trump’s legal team explained the recount request by insisting on an “honest vote count,” which must include signature comparisons and other important safeguards. “Let’s stop giving people bad results. There has to be a time when we stop counting illegal votes. I hope he comes soon ”, he said. Biden won Georgia as the first Democrat after Bill Clinton in 1992.

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Brad Raffensperger

Trump also had bad luck with another strategy: Republican deputies and senators from the state of Michigan invited by him to the White House spoke out against attempts to alter the election results with legal tricks after the meeting. Republicans said Friday they had no information that could change the outcome of the election. Therefore, they would “follow the law and normal process” in electorate designation, stated Senate and House Majority Leaders Mike Shirkey and Lee Chatfield. “And the candidates who get the most votes win the elections and the votes of the electorate,” they said.

Biden won the Michigan election by a wide margin. Trump’s unusual meeting with Republicans had fueled fears that he would pressure them to change the outcome of the normally more formal steps of notarization. However, the US media cited lawyers who emphasized that such a measure would never have been upheld in court, even with the consent of local Republicans.
