Trump calls for vote recount in Georgia


northFollowing the narrow victory of his Democratic rival Joe Biden in the Georgia presidential election, incumbent President Donald Trump has requested a recount in the state. The corresponding request was submitted on Saturday, his campaign team said. His lawyers said this was to ensure that all legal votes were counted.

Previously, several lawsuits by Trump’s lawyers against the election results in Georgia, as well as several other states, had failed in court. Trump had until Tuesday to request another recount. He was able to do this because the gap between the candidates is less than 0.5 percentage points.

Georgia had already personally verified the ballots. Georgia state law requires that an election be verified in this manner to ensure the machines have correctly counted the votes. This count is not considered an official count by law.

Trump’s team wants an “honest vote count”

After the hand recount, Biden’s lead over Trump dropped from around 14,000 to 12,670 votes. Responsible Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Governor Brian Kemp had confirmed the results on Friday afternoon. Biden won the votes of all 16 state electors. Judge Steven Grimberg had dismissed the lawsuit of a conservative lawyer on Friday night (local time), with which he wanted to stop the authentication of the result of the elections in Georgia.


Trump voters

How could they?
Image: Jens Giesel

Since the difference between Trump and Biden is only 0.25 percentage points, according to state law, a candidate can request a recount; if the advantage is less than 0.5 percentage points, it is provided.

Trump’s legal team explained the recount request by insisting on an “honest vote count,” which must include signature comparisons and other important safeguards. “Let’s stop giving people bad results. There has to be a time when we stop counting illegal votes. I hope he comes soon ”, he said. The team did not provide proof of its allegations of voter fraud.

The incumbent president wrote in a tweet that controlling the elections by hand was a “joke.” He went on to claim, without citing any evidence, that “thousands of false votes” had been discovered. Twitter identified the tweet as containing controversial information.

“Armed like Frankenstein’s monster”

When the election was verified, votes were found in various districts that had not previously been counted. Therefore, the election results in the affected districts had to be recertified before the results were certified by the entire state.

Biden became the first Democrat to win in Georgia after Bill Clinton in 1992. Trump refuses to acknowledge his defeat in the presidential election, claiming that his victory was stolen by fraud.

On Saturday, a Pennsylvania federal court dismissed his campaign team’s motion to invalidate millions of mail-in votes. Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, gave the reason why some citizens were allowed to correct errors on their postal ballots. “Like Frankenstein’s monster, this argument was arbitrarily assembled,” wrote Judge Matthew Brann. Giuliani has announced an appeal to go to the Supreme Court. In fact, Trump cannot win without all 20 Pennsylvania voters. The result must be certified there on Monday.
