Live ticker of the US elections: +++ 08:48 Warren: Silent Republicans are complicit +++


Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren calls on Republicans to stop being silent about Trump’s unproven allegations of voter fraud. “Let me be very clear: Republicans who remain silent, dodging questions or issuing insipid statements from Vishi-Vashhi while the government refuses to admit defeat and spreads misinformation on a daily basis are complicit in a dangerous attack on the fundamental basis of our democracy. “.

+++ 08:13 Sanders compares Trump to Nero +++

Non-partisan US Senator Bernie Sanders compares President Trump to Roman Emperor Nero. “Nero fiddled when Rome was on fire. Trump, the most dangerous president of all time, plays golf and sends pointless tweets in the scandalous and desperate attempt to reverse the election, which he lost by more than six million votes Goodbye, Trump, you are not going to destroy American democracy.

+++ 06:49 Michigan MPs drink Dom Perignon at Trump Hotel +++
A visit by several MEPs from the state of Michigan to US President Trump’s hotel in Washington causes outrage and excitement. As reported by the “Huffington Post,” Speaker of Parliament Lee Chatfield, Member of Parliament Jim Lilly and other Republicans toasted Dom Perignon champagne on Saturday after their visit to the White House. Not only the possible price of a bottle (between $ 500 and $ 900) caused a stir, but also the fact that politicians did not wear masks, while 10,000 new cases of coronavirus were diagnosed in Michigan. It was also suspected that the drinks could have been paid for with taxpayer money.

The visit also sparked new fears that Republicans weren’t trapped in Michigan after all. to your statement he could bear that there were no problems with the election and that they wanted to continue the normal process. That’s what Chatfield, who was now drinking champagne, and Senate President Mike Shirley, who had apparently not been photographed, said after a visit to the White House from Trump, who had invited them there. The president has been claiming for weeks that there was electoral fraud. It was feared that Michigan Republicans would give in to his pressure. The fact that state representatives are now staying at the Trump Hotel of all places now seems suspicious to some social media users. Additionally, the fact that Trump tweeted that the Michigan deputy’s statement was “true, but not in the way it was reported by the media,” raised doubts. What this was supposed to mean was still incomprehensible, but it fueled fears that something might be up.

+++ 05:21 Trump requests recount in Georgia +++
It was predictable: Donald Trump has called for another vote recount in Georgia. The corresponding request was submitted on Saturday, his campaign team said. His lawyers said this was to ensure that all legal votes were counted. In Georgia, the five million or so votes had already been counted twice, once by type and once by hand. After the second count, Joe Biden was still 12,670 votes ahead of Trump. It is thanks to the adjusted result that the client can now request another test. If the gap between candidates is less than 0.5 percentage points, an additional count may be requested. Trump’s team mostly complained about alleged irregularities in voting by mail. Georgia’s Republican election official stated several times that there was no evidence of fraud.

+++ 02:15 Federal Court of Pennsylvania rejects Trump’s lawsuit +++
Donald Trump’s attempt to sue for an electoral victory does not appear to be fruitful. In Pennsylvania, his attorneys have now suffered another defeat: Federal Judge Matthew Brann dismissed a lawsuit by Trump’s campaign team that had requested the invalidation of millions of votes by mail. In his reasoning, Brann spoke of “unsubstantiated forced legal arguments” and “speculative accusations.” The lawsuit was filed by Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani. He said that the outcome of the elections in the state could not be certified because some voters were allowed to correct errors on their vote-by-mail ballots.

+++ 01:04 Georgia voting officer becomes a person with the Republicans +++
Brad Raffensperger has been a Republican and a Trump supporter from the beginning. Now he has lost the favor of his party. Because in his capacity as an election official in Georgia, the secretary of state had to proclaim the uncomfortable truth to his party friends that Joe Biden won all 16 votes in the state. After the manual recount, 12,000 votes remained as an advantage to the Democrats. He wished Trump had won, especially in Georgia, Raffensperger told CNN. “But the results are what they are.” However, his fellow party members don’t want to accept that. The two Republican state senators had asked the secretary of state to resign just a week after the elections. And the state governor publicly urged him to investigate the alleged electoral fraud, for which there is no evidence whatsoever. Raffensperger’s wife has even received death threats. CNN writes that the “conservative Christian Republican” has become an outcast within the Republican Party.

+++ 21:55 Republicans ask election examiners in Michigan for a break +++
Trump is sending Republicans from Michigan to delay confirmation of the election result in the state. Actually, this should happen on Monday afternoon. A joint letter from the Republican National Committee and the Michigan Republican Party asked the election review committee to postpone the formal measure for 14 days. There are two Democrats and two Republicans on the election review committee. So far, no powerful arguments are known from Trump to justify a delay, other than rather vague allegations of fraud.

+++ 21:15 Biden’s postal voter in Pennsylvania, and what Hugo Chávez has to do with it +++
The Trump campaign is fighting by all means against the confirmation of the results in the controversial states. Trump’s campaign for Pennsylvania has now announced that it will challenge pending confirmation of the outcome. In Pennsylvania, this formal measure must take place on Monday. And the way things stand right now, Democrat Biden won there. Trump describes the many mail-in ballots in the state as “illegal” and is pressuring the election administration to remove the votes from the count. The crude reasoning of the Trump campaign: Mail-in votes are part of a democratic conspiracy, voting machines are rigged, Communists, billionaire George Soros, and the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez play a (rather unclear) role in the narrative. Apparently, everything is to delegitimize Biden’s victory.

+++ 20:16 Trump has three other people executed before handing over the charge +++
Donald Trump uses his last days in office to resolve issues that his successor Biden can no longer undo. And this really is irreversible: Trump has three more executions scheduled in the Justice Department, in addition to the two already planned, until January 20, that is, until the inauguration. The death penalty has not been applied at the federal level for 17 years. There have been eight executions this year, more than in the last half century. Human rights groups are now demanding that Trump suspend executions until Biden is in office. Biden speaks out against the death penalty and is likely to break with Trump’s practice.

+++ 19:15 Confirmed results: The position in the tug of war for the US elections +++
Small middle result, don’t be alarmed: Donald Trump leads Joe Biden in the polls! But only if only voters who come from countries that have already certified the election result are counted. So it’s 63 to 35 for the headline. Short explanation: the certified result is something like the official final result in Germany. In individual electoral districts, the census is completed and then verified to be complete and correct. That happens again at the state level. This procedure must be completed by December 8th. However, some states have already ended; Among other things, the result was certified yesterday in a particularly competitive Georgia. As a reminder: Georgia had to be counted again and it was a fine advantage for Biden. Because it is so tight, Trump may request a recount. Certification is still pending in five particularly competitive states: Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. With the exception of Wisconsin, these states will present a final result next week.

Read what happened on the US election ticker here.
