Live coronavirus ticker: +++ 07:10 PM Günther for infection-dependent corona measures +++


+++ 07:10 Prime Minister Günther for infection-dependent corona measures +++

In the fight against the pandemic, from the point of view of the Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein, Daniel Günther, uniform rules at the national level are indispensable. “But that does not mean that all countries have to take the same measures,” said the CDU politician of the dpa. It depends on the number of infections. Schleswig-Holstein has a significantly lower level of infections than Germany as a whole, Günther emphasized. “We want to be able to react appropriately and appropriately in our country.”

+++ 06:37 Tesla workers freed from California curfew +++
Elon Musk has fought for systemically important company status for his Tesla electric car company: As California authorities announced, Tesla workers are exempt from the overnight curfew in America’s most populous state. “Restricted stay at home does not apply to workers classified as essential workers,” the California Public Health Agency said. From Saturday night (local time) to December 21, about 94 percent of California’s population will be subject to a nightly curfew from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Alameda is also affected, where Tesla has his cars bolted.

+++ 06:00 RKI reports 15,741 new infections +++
The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported comparatively few cases with 15,741 new corona infections in 24 hours. Compared to a week ago, this is 1206 fewer infections, according to RKI data from Sunday morning. Last Sunday the figure was 16,947. The peak was reached on Friday with 23,648 reported cases. The numbers are comparatively low on Sundays and Mondays because, according to the RKI, fewer samples are taken on weekends and therefore fewer tests are done overall.

+++ 05:08 Lambrecht is not afraid of complaints about the prioritization of vaccines +++
Some people do not want to be vaccinated against corona under any circumstances, but most eagerly await the vaccine. Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht believes that some people can only be vaccinated later than others, since legally they do not present problems. “When it comes to distributing the vaccine, it is important that these decisions are made according to understandable and adequate criteria,” said the SPD politician. It is absolutely understandable that the doctors, nurses, and particularly vulnerable people in nursing homes had their turn first, as the current issue is whether the healthcare system is holding up. “I think that decision will also be legally valid,” Lambrecht continued.

+++ 03:59 Scholz promises more aid payments in case of a longer lockdown +++
Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz wants to continue paying aid to companies that have to close due to crown restrictions, possibly in December. “If the restrictions are extended, it is clear to me that financial support from the sectors directly affected will also continue to be necessary,” said the vice chancellor and SPD candidate for chancellor of “Bild am Sonntag”. The additional reimbursement of 75 percent of the prior year’s sales would be “financially challenging and complicated under European law,” he noted.

+++ 02:52 Regeneron receives emergency approval in the US +++
The US authorities have granted the biotechnology company Regeneron emergency approval for its agent against corona infections. The US company’s REGN-COV2 experimental antibody cocktail could help prevent corona patients from being hospitalized and thus ease the burden on the healthcare system, said Stephen Hahn of the US FDA. United States President Donald Trump was treated with the drug for his Covid 19 disease in early October.

+++ 02:35 The lockdown in Great Britain will not be extended +++
The British government does not want to extend the crown blockade in England. The restrictions expired on December 2 after four weeks, he said from Downing Street. On Monday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants to present a three-step plan for regional restrictions on the crown. In recent weeks, stores in England that were not urgently needed had to close. People should only leave their home at a minimum.

+++ 02:04 GEW asks for free skins for students and teachers +++
The GEW education union calls for free daily masks for students and teachers to protect against corona infections in the classroom. If desired, teachers should also receive the safest FFP2 protective masks, said the president of the education and science union (GEW), Marlis Tepe, the newspapers of the Funke media group. “It is the employer’s job to take care of the necessary occupational health and safety measures for employees, but also for children and young people.” He also reiterated his union’s call for alternative education, that is, a division of classes and a shift from face-to-face teaching at school to distance learning at home.

+++ 01:10 Moderna’s vaccine should cost at least $ 25 per dose +++
Modern pharmaceutical company wants to charge governments between $ 25 and $ 37 for a dose of its Covid vaccine. “That is a fair price considering how high the costs to the healthcare system are if a person becomes seriously ill with Covid-19,” said “Welt am Sonntag” CEO Stephane Bancel. “We are not interested in getting the maximum benefit.” On Monday, EU circles reported that they wanted to buy millions of cans of Moderna for a unit price of less than $ 25.

+++ 00:25 Söder wants to extend the restrictions +++
Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder has spoken out in favor of extending the partial lockdown until just before Christmas. “In order to have a nice Christmas, we have to extend the lockdown and certainly also deepen it,” said Söder of “Bild am Sonntag”. An extension of the restrictions by two, but better three weeks is definitely necessary, said the head of CSU. The measures should be applied at least until the so-called incidence value in Germany has dropped to 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants.

+++ 23:43 districts want to keep schools open +++
German districts are calling for a change in strategy in the fight against the pandemic. The federal and state governments should “take more steps to protect the elderly and vulnerable groups in particular,” Reinhard Sager, president of the district assembly, told the Funke media group newspapers. Faced with the federal state change next Wednesday, Sager insisted on keeping schools open. Wait for suggestions from the federal states. Districts and cities in whose schools the concepts should be implemented should also participate better than before, Sager emphasized.

+++ 22:31 pandemic affects the economies of Nigeria and South Africa +++
Nigeria is feeling the economic consequences of the coronavirus outbreak. Africa’s largest economy entered a recession in the third quarter. In addition to the pandemic, the country is also affected by low oil prices. Meanwhile, South Africa suffered a setback in international financial markets. Rating agencies Fitch and Moody’s further lowered the credit rating, which previously had junk status. The most industrialized country on the continent is losing its tax revenue in the pandemic, while spending increases in the fight against the virus and its economic consequences.

+++ 22:04 France reports a decrease in new infections, deaths and hospital patients +++
The French Ministry of Health reports 17,881 new infections after 22,882 on Friday. Hospitals recorded 276 more corona deaths after 386 on Friday. In total, France has so far confirmed 48,518 deaths, of which 33,231 died in clinics. The number of patients in hospitals, as well as those in intensive care units, fell for the fifth day in a row.

+++ 21:27 Germany has more than 900,000 cases of corona +++
The number of reported coronavirus infections in Germany has risen to 909,838. As can be seen from the information from state authorities evaluated by, 18,467 new cases were added in 24 hours. The number of deaths related to the infection increased from 189 to 13,968. The estimated mass of people currently infected passed the 300,000 mark for the first time.

The infection rate (R value) is given by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as 1.05 (previous day: 0.98). This means that an average of 100 infected people infect another 105 people with Sars-CoV-2. The 7-day R-value is currently 1.07 (previous day: 1.05).

You can find more information about the most important Corona data here Read.

You can find more information on the status of the crown here.
