Staff must not wear masks: Corona deaths in shared apartment with dementia in Berlin-Spandau – relatives file criminal complaints against nursing service – Berlin


Are older people in need of care adequately protected from coronavirus? Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) holds the nursing homes responsible, they are responsible for ensuring that hygiene measures are observed. But what about residential communities for seniors?

The amendment to the Infection Protection Act of January 2019 stipulates that ambulatory care services providing intensive care in facilities, residential groups and other communal ways of life must ensure the necessary measures to prevent the transmission of infections and can also be monitored by health authorities.

Private law forms of housing may not be controlled. For example, a shared flat for seniors with dementia in Spandau. Eight apartments are occupied and are served by a 24-hour private care team.

The coronavirus broke out in the shared apartment in October. A woman came to the hospital and tested positive there, then died of the virus, according to the death certificate.

The body is being autopsied at the State Criminal Police Office, the relatives have filed charges against the nursing service, on suspicion of intentional bodily harm that resulted in death. Because it shouldn’t have complied with the crown’s protective measures.

Head of the nursing service: “Total hoax and total nonsense”

Another woman is dying, four residents tested positive at the hospital on October 14. The health department banned visitors for a time and the shared apartment was subjected to “cohort isolation”. This is now over, the nursing staff has been tested, and the apartment has been reopened for visitors.

Family members report that during the year the nursing staff, the cleaning lady, the cook and guests entered and left the house without protective measures such as masks and disinfectants. Although corona infections had already been confirmed, older people were still brought in to test them.

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The notarial guardian of the deceased and other relatives assure that the head of the nursing service made fun of the measures of the crown, that everything was “total nonsense and total nonsense.

Family members say they drew attention to the requirement to wear a mask with notes and wanted to ask the nursing staff to wear it. But the head of the service withdrew the notes and prohibited employees from wearing masks.

She told a speech therapist that she shouldn’t arrive wearing a mask. Even changeable inmates would not wear a nose and mouth cover. Disinfectants are not available.

Family members complained to the doctor

When the Tagesspiegel confronted the nursing service with the allegations in an email, asked questions and requested a conversation, a law firm responded. All the assumptions are not correct, the nursing service does not answer any questions.

When asked, Spandau’s doctor confirmed that numerous emails had been received from family members complaining of poor hygiene in the shared apartment since mid-September.

Since this is a form of private law housing and intensive care is not provided, one has no authority to do anything here. It is a legal gap that has been pointed out for years.

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The public order office, the social welfare office and the home supervision were informed about the emails. The Senate Health Department does not want to comment on the case when asked. On October 7, the home supervision of the Senate Administration conducted an inspection of the residential community. “Apparently no hygiene deficiencies were found here,” says Spandau’s doctor. The viewing appointment was announced.

No masks, but a barbecue

However, the regulatory office found violations of the mask requirement, the fine process is still ongoing. A barbecue had already been held in the garden of the shared apartment at the end of April, the public order office was there after a phone call from relatives and had dissolved it.

An examination conducted by the social welfare office revealed: “It is very likely that the entire complaint indicates a significant lack of care and difficulties between some residents, represented by their relatives, and the care service administrator.” Family members are encouraged to file criminal charges themselves and change care providers.

Conversations with relatives reveal that there are other disputes between them and the head of the nursing service, for example, over alleged false bills. “We want this woman to go to jail,” says the caretaker of the deceased.

She has no scruples. They would always have heard of corona cases in the shared apartment from other relatives or from the hospital, but never from the nursing service itself.
