Horror accident in Frankfurt – SUV hits pedestrians and cyclists – 2 dead! – National News


Frankfurt – Serious accident in Frankfurt!

In the Ostend district, not far from the European Central Bank (ECB) building, a driver lost control of his car on Saturday afternoon: in Oskar-von-Miller-Straße he staggered, ran over a sidewalk and crashed into a wall. He recorded several walkers and a cyclist.

Three people arrived at the hospital seriously injured, two did not survive, police confirmed to BILD. The third victim, a woman (31), was operated on, but there is no danger of death.

The driver involved in the accident (38) also arrived at the hospital, but was only slightly injured.

Ein völlig zerstörtes Fahrrad liegt auf dem Gehsteig in der Sonnemannstraße in Frankfurt, dahinter ein stark beschädigter VWPhoto: Jürgen Mahnke

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/ein-voellig-zerstoertes-fahrrad-geht-auf-dem-gehsteig-in-der-sonnemannstrasse-in-frankfurt-dahinter-ei- 201584439-74067124 / image / 6.bild.jpg “/>

A completely destroyed bicycle sits on the pavement on the Sonnemannstrasse in Frankfurt, behind it a badly damaged VW.Photo: Jürgen Mahnke

Ein Mann begutachtet den SUV, dessen Front stark beschädigt istPhoto: Jürgen Mahnke

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/ein-mann-begutachten-den-suv- seine-front-stark-beschaedigt-ist-201584430-74066988 / Bild / 9.bild. jpg “/>

A man examines the truck. In the background you can see the pillar of a very damaged housePhoto: Jürgen Mahnke

According to police, the accident occurred around 4 pm The driver of an X-series BMW was going from Oskar-Miller-Strasse to Sonnemannstrasse. There, at the curve to the left, the car went off the road, crashed into the wall of the house and initially hit three people on the sidewalk: a 62-year-old man and a woman (31). There is also a bike messenger whose personal details have yet to be determined.

It is not yet clear how the accident occurred, a Frankfurt police officer told BILD. There are no signs of a race or even a terrorist attack. However, witnesses testified that the rear of the car broke suddenly.

At the time of the accident, the weather was good and the road was dry.

Einsatzkräfte an dem UnfallwagenPhoto: Bernd Kammerer

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/ Einsatzkraefte-an-dem-unfallwagen-201584437-74067112 / Bild / 5.bild.jpg “/>

Rescue workers in the crashed vehiclePhoto: Bernd Kammerer

First, the victims of the accident were taken to hospitals, where they were treated immediately. Meanwhile, however, the 62-year-old pedestrian and the unknown cyclist were killed.

The police asked witnesses who can provide relevant information about the accident to contact the fifth police station urgently at 069-75510500.
