Corona: lockdown until January? Chancellor Merkel is pushing for longer-term plans: domestic politics


Will the originally limited “lock light” be extended to the end of November?

Angela Merkel (66, CDU) is already pushing for longer-term corona resolutions internally, according to information from BILD. As BILD learned from the participants, Merkel made clear at the Union parliamentary group meeting on Tuesday: She wants to adopt a crown strategy for the winter next Wednesday!

The Chancellor expects the federal states to “make proposals” for the next summit on November 25. And that “not only for two weeks, but with a perspective until January.”

After all: the Chancellor believes that the first corona vaccines may already be approved in Europe in December, or at least “very quickly after the turn of the year.”

“And then, of course, the vaccination will start,” he said Thursday night after an EU video summit. The news of the last few days would give him “a lot of confidence.”


According to information from the BILD, the chancellor only gave hope for the holidays: on the issue of Christmas, Merkel said that the federal government wanted to “give the citizens” a certain amount of freedom again. However, what should be possible by the end of the year would be “very, very difficult decisions” on Wednesday.

So there are no good prospects for the New Year’s Eve parties!

Merkel was particularly concerned at the meeting of the Union parliamentary group, according to information from BILD about the winter holidays. Care must be taken that “not everything is knocked down again on New Year’s Eve”, for example because the ski season in Austria is developing quite normally, Merkel told deputies.

Merkel is not alone with her winter plans!

As BILD learned from an SPD state government, an extension of the measures is expected at the November 25 summit: until the end of December or even the beginning of January!

There are several possible resolutions in the room: an extension of the mask requirement (at least at the hotspots) and an extension of the winter break.

According to information from BILD, so-called “contact bans” are even being considered at NRW. Media: strict contact restrictions as in spring.

CSU health expert, MP Georg Nüßlein (51), openly told the BILD that an extension of the lockdown is “currently to be feared”.

Söder wants a “national hotspot strategy”

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (53, CSU) also does not believe in a quick end to the shutdown. On Wednesday he announced that he would strive for a “national hot spot strategy,” with measures particularly tough for regions with particularly high incidence values. According to BILD information, this could even mean: partial school closings!

► BECAUSE: The Chancellor also finds it unrealistic that a mask requirement for older students provides sufficient protection. If “he sits in a classroom for seven hours,” then the mask “does not protect,” the chancellor explained.

The head of the Health Committee, Erwin Rüddel (64, CDU) does not see the extent of the confinement as agreed. If the numbers continue to fall, Rüddel hopes that “we will not have stricter lockdown conditions in December.” He even sees “opportunities for gastronomy and the fitness sector.” Then citizens would have to “restrict themselves more in their private life,” Rüddel said.
