The RKI crown graph shows: the number of infected children is skyrocketing; a particular group is affected


  • Patrick Mayer

    sincePatrick Mayer


The number of children infected with Corona in Germany has increased enormously compared to September. A particular group of children is more likely to become infected.

  • coronavirus pandemic in Germany: The Crown box numbers they are also in Lock light very high.
  • A statistic of the Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI) show the New corona infections to Children increases dramatically.
  • Affected by Covid-19 infections They are above all, according to a report older children.

Munich / Berlin: the hope of an early one Corona vaccine it’s in the Coronavirus pandemic in Germany in many places really tangible.

Also because families with Children Complain about the extra workload, for example, through homeschooling or in ranks. schools his classes in Crown-Quarantine Send. Between Baden-Württemberg Y Bayern In the south of the republic and the northern federal states there is much confusion on this issue, and uniformity has often been desired but not yet achieved.

Corona pandemic in Germany: more and more children are infected with Sars-CoV-2

There was in the Covid-19 crisis a prejudice: the risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2 reportedly to reduce significantly in children, he said. Recent surveys and figures from Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI) end this cliche now.

The news magazine Spiegel reported on this and referred to a corresponding presentation by the federal authority.

Children in the corona pandemic: significantly more new Covid-19 infections in Germany

Consequently, in the first week of November 10,400 corona infections in children under 14 years of age registered. In early September, however, they remain fewer than 1,000 new coronavirus infections found in children under the age of 14, according to the report.

Initial results indicate that they are special older children older than 10 years, but especially from 12 years. So children who are about to reach adolescence.

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Video: A new rule should come for children: Merkel’s proposal causes outrage

“Based on the data so far, it seems particularly in younger people infections of patients with SARS-CoV-2 be less common than in adults, ”said Jörg Timm, a virologist at Düsseldorf University Hospital, aloud Spiegel the Science Media Center. According to Timm, “older children between the ages of 12 and 14” would no longer differ from adults.

Corona pandemic in Germany: older children probably at higher risk of infection

too Of Berlin Goverment’s head Michael Müller (SPD) had at a press conference after the Prime Minister’s Conference on November 16 Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) He said: “The younger the children, the less infections and symptoms we see.” Of course, this also does not rule out an infection. (p.m)

List of rubrics lists: © Arne Dedert / dpa
