Protests against Crown policy in Berlin: police try in vain to break up the demonstration – Strasse des 17. Juni is acquitted – Berlin


The demo may still be dissolved

The resolution of the Crown protest in Berlin-Mitte may, according to the assessment of the Berlin Police Union (GdP) drag even more. It is seen that people continue to resist and do not follow the police measures, the spokesman said. Benjamin Jendro n-tv station on wednesday. You can’t beat people savagely now.

With the type of spray by the water cannon Emergency services tried gently at first, Jendro said. But at some point this will probably increase. For emergency services, it’s also about getting spokespeople out of the crowd. “But the Berlin police don’t have many other options.“In the afternoon, according to a dpa reporter, five water cannons were on site near the Reichstag building and the Brandenburg Gate.

Jendro insisted that the police did it first tried to reduce the escalation and asking people to wear masks, for example. The spokesperson had anticipated a difficult operation for the capital’s police and a “Gigantic task” spoken. When thousands don’t follow the rules, it’s harder to enforce them. (dpa)
