Automotive Summit: Angela Merkel and the industry have agreed on this


In order to put more electric cars on the road, the existing purchase bonus (environmental bonus) had already been significantly increased through an »innovation bonus«. Since then, the sales figures have been increasing. This means that car buyers can receive a subsidy of up to 9,000 euros. In return, the federal government doubles its share of the bonus, half of which is paid by manufacturers. This premium increase was originally planned to run through the end of 2021 and should now run through the end of 2025. The federal government is releasing up to an additional € 1 billion. Until now, fully electric cars and plug-in hybrids that run on electricity and fuel have been promoted. Environmentalists are critical of hybrids, as they are often used primarily as combustion engines. According to the federal government’s decision, hybrids will only be subsidized in the future “if they have a minimum range of 60 kilometers from 2022 and of at least 80 kilometers from 2025.”

VW, BMW, Daimler and Co. had failed to enforce a scrapping bonus for motorists in the economic stimulus package. In return, however, a new truck scrapping bonus is supposed to take old commercial vehicles off the road and spur the sale of newer models. The billion that the federal government gives for this are distributed: 500 million euros for companies that change trucks with the Euro 3, 4 and 5 emission standards for trucks that comply with the new Euro 6 standard, and another 500 million euros for public purchases, that is, around the replacement of old fire trucks. Environmentalists criticize the plans because they also promote diesel. The Federal Environment Agency had also criticized the proposal. President Dirk Messner warned that the premium is really bad for climate protection, because if you buy a new diesel truck now, you don’t switch to an electric truck soon after. And even if, in theory, all trucks with the older 3 to 5 emissions standards were replaced with those with the newer standard, that would save just 0.7 million tons of CO2 per year. For comparison: Germany’s transport sector emitted more than 163 million tonnes of CO2 in 2019.

Wherever electric cars are supposed to run, they also need to be able to charge. But while Tesla was able to set up a fast-charging system for its brand in Europe without public funding, German automakers are now receiving more state support for fast-charging points at gas stations nationwide. The federal government’s goal: by the end of 2022, fast charging infrastructure in one of the four service stations, by the end of 2024 in every second, and by the end of 2026 in three out of four service stations. They want to talk to the industry about a voluntary commitment and pay subsidies by the end of 2022, it says in the document: it does not go fast, it will be regulated by law. The government is sticking to the target of 72,000 public charging points; According to the energy association BDEW, there are currently 33,000. The decision document reads: “The federal government expects the auto industry to make a significant contribution to the promised 15,000 publicly accessible charging points by the end of 2021.” Read about it: Hildegard Müller, the leading auto lobbyist, demands 2,000 new charging points per week.

For medium and long-term plans, there should be a future fund for the automotive industry based on subsidies, to which the federal government plans to disburse one billion euros. The aim is a “strategic structural policy orientation” for Germany, but also change strategies, especially in regions with a particularly high number of companies in the automotive industry. “Countries are called to participate,” says the newspaper. The federal government will establish a “committee of experts as representative as possible” to advise the government on the allocation of funds. Green politician Oliver Krischer criticized the tax money fund. “The fact that we need something like this in Germany for this industry shows what went wrong in the past. Actually, it is also a bit of a bankruptcy that such measures have been made necessary here, ”the deputy parliamentary group of his party in the German Bundestag told Bavarian radio. The federal government and the auto industry lack a “consistent strategy” for a mobility transition.

The auto industry and unions, however, praised the results of the auto summit in view of the billions promised, and called for speedy implementation due to the tense market situation.

The Volkswagen Group spoke of a »strong signal for customers and for the environment«. The package shows “the government’s political will to support the rapid change in Germany’s leading industry in the crown-related crisis,” a spokeswoman said. “The more attractive the policy framework conditions for electromobility, the sooner and more people will opt for an electric car.”

SPD leader Norbert Walter-Borjans told the dpa news agency that it is now crucial that the trend towards clean units is not broken because infrastructure expansion is not taking place. Charging stations, simple payment systems, and promoting industrial innovation should “be much better.” The expectation of the industry now is: “Qualify employees for the new era and not cut them.”

The president of the Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), Hildegard Müller, described the new commitments as an “important contribution” and an aid to climate protection and economic strength. “We bring 12,000 new electric cars to the streets of Germany every week.” Now they would also need many new electric charging stations. IG Metall boss Jörg Hofmann highlighted the heavy commercial vehicle exchange program to support the economy. The tense employment situation, especially among many providers, makes it necessary to implement measures quickly.

Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) said: “The faster a national charging network is created and powered by renewable energy, the more customers will choose electric vehicles.” The plans for this are “encouraging”. But now you have to do “nails with heads”.

Icon: The mirror
