Lorenz Caffier resigned – Comment: A tragic case


Politicians tend to fall not because of their mistakes, but because of the way they treat them. This is what happened to Lorenz Caffier (CDU), the Minister of the Interior with the longest service in the Federal Republic. On Tuesday afternoon he drew the conclusions of the purchase of a weapon in early 2018. The seller: a man whom investigators have been part of the right-wing extremist group “Nordkreuz” since 2019, and who until then was respected as a coach of special operations units by national and foreign police authorities.

Caffier was always clearly against the right

Since 2006, Caffier has held office in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, a state in which the NPD had been represented in the state parliament for years before the AfD assumed its far-right role in 2016 and became the second largest parliamentary group. largest in Schwerin castle. The fact that the right-wing populists succeeded in overtaking the CDU was also due to Caffier and, paradoxical as it may seem, there is a credit to be attributed to him: he has never succumbed to the temptation to rhetorically pander to the right-wing or nationalist electorate. for reasons of electoral tactics. Feed the monkeys sugar differently.

On the contrary: Lorenz Caffier has always shown a clear advantage against all kinds of rights. It was he who pushed the NPD ban process against all kinds of legal or political resistance, because he did not want to allow the Nazis to sit in the German parliaments and thus be supported by the state they wanted to abolish. It was also Caffier who in 2007 put an end to the NPD’s attempts to infiltrate the fire departments in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania by issuing a decree prohibiting military leaders from engaging in unconstitutional activities and spreading unconstitutional ideas.

The fact that, of all people, I am now falling for buying a gun from a man whose connections in right-wing circles only became visible later has tragic characteristics. “It pains me deeply and it is an extremely heavy burden for me that the reports suggest some closeness to right-wing circles,” Caffier wrote in his resignation statement. “I can only vigorously reject this charge. It’s just absurd. “

Ineffable accusations from the left

Perhaps this is why Caffier hesitated for so long to admit what he should have made public right after the first reports about the arms dealer’s connections to the scene on the right, but at the latest after the first questions from journalists: that he »acquired a weapon from someone« has », where from today’s point of view he should not have acquired it«. He may have suspected and feared that people like Niema Movassat, parliamentary director of the left-wing parliamentary group in the Bundestag, would say unspeakable things about their miscommunication: “People who receive threats from the Nazis must trust that members of the government will not do deals with the Nazis. “

The fact that Torsten Koplin, state chairman of the Left Party in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, who was an unofficial Stasi employee in youth clubs during the GDR era, reported “doubts about the suitability of the post “Caffiers and was informed by Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) called for the removal of the Interior Minister, who may have made his decision to resign.

It was then Mathias Brodkorb (SPD), former Finance Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, co-founder of the news portal “Endstation Rechts”, and in the red-black coalition, often antipode Caffiers, who criticized the “unpleasant party spectacle political “as if what it is:” seedy. So much decency was rare in recent days.

Icon: The mirror
