“Thinking outside the box” and counter-demonstrations in Berlin: the Federal Ministry of the Interior bans twelve rallies in the Reichstag – Berlin


The Federal Ministry of the Interior has banned twelve rallies of crown skeptics and counter-demonstrations. The reason given by the ministry was that the demonstrations scheduled for Wednesday would harm the work of the Bundestag. The House of Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) is responsible for the pacified area around the Reichstag building. However, the decision does not have to spell the end of the protest – Berlin police are now checking with applicants to what extent and where demonstrations can take place outside the ban mile, as the office said. press to Tagesspiegel.

The Interior Ministry announced Tuesday afternoon: “To the knowledge of the responsible security authorities, the announced meetings have been heavily publicized since they first became known, including calls to block access to the German Bundestag and the Bundesrat.” According to the law, the demos can only be approved “if an impediment to the activities of the German Bundestag” (…) is not to be feared an obstacle to free access to its buildings in the pacified district; the same applies to the Federal Council. These requirements are not met. “

The ministry said in a press release that the full Bundestag should meet from 12 noon. Before that, meetings of “various committees” would be held. “At these respective meetings, it is imperative that members of parliament have free access to the buildings of the German Bundestag in the pacified district.” The same applies to the Federal Council, for which a special meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday. The decision was made in agreement with the Presidents of the Bundestag and Bundesrat.

Concerned that MPs could smuggle radical skeptics from the crown into parliament, Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble has ordered that access controls be tightened. Otherwise, MPs can bring six people with them, without registration and without a security check by the Bundestag police. This regulation was lifted for Wednesday by instruction of Schäuble. Each visitor must register at the entrance control on Wednesday and have the security personnel verify the entries in the Inpol police database.

The Bundestag security officer had previously told members of parliament that, according to a risk assessment by the Berlin State Criminal Police Office, the recorded meetings were cause for concern, “that parliamentary operations will be affected because it is Attacks on German Bundestag buildings and people are likely. ” . In addition, there are health risks for members of parliament and others who have access to the Bundestag, as meeting participants are expected to violate crown rules.

Critics of Corona had canceled a demo, just as an excuse?

One of the rallies against Crown policy in front of the Reichstag building had already been canceled by the organizers. The meeting leader, who belongs to the German network vaccination decision, withdrew the registration for the meeting with 250 people, a police spokesman told the Tagesspiegel.

Before the Interior Ministry’s decision, it was heard from security circles that the cancellation could be a tactic to complicate the situation for the police. It could be that the protesters were hoping to surprise the police with a confusing situation. It was not initially clear whether this would also be the case after the ban.

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Internally, the police expected between 8,000 and 14,000 protesters. The mobilization is favored by the day of penance and prayer, which is a public holiday in Saxony. Therefore, the Berlin police had already requested reinforcements from the federal police, but forces from other federal states are also expected.

The aim of the Berlin police: to protect symbolic buildings

Apparently, special attention is paid to the protection of symbolic buildings. Images like the one in August, when protesters stormed the steps of the Reichstag building and waved the Reich war flags, should not be repeated on Wednesday. Therefore, the police would like to obtain objects from the Federal Chancellery, the Federal Council, the House of Representatives and the ARD capital study. The Holocaust memorial must also be protected.

[Behalten Sie den Überblick: Corona in Ihrem Kiez. In unseren Tagesspiegel-Bezirksnewslettern berichten wir über die Krise und die Auswirkungen auf Ihren Bezirk. Kostenlos und kompakt: leute.tagesspiegel.de]

In a Telegram chat of the organizers, the cancellation was justified by the risk of violent clashes. However, it is still required that the Infection Protection Act not be passed in this way. At the same time, a call was made to demonstrate on Wednesday anyway.

The situation in Leipzig had worsened

In social networks, through the messaging service “Telegram” and in events of the “lateral thinking” initiative, calls were made nationwide to block the Bundestag next Wednesday. In the run-up to the protests, there was talk of another assault on parliament.

Similar protests escalated in Leipzig ten days ago. 45,000 crown deniers had ignored the requirements, such as wearing masks and keeping their distance. The police appeared defenseless and the police chains were repeatedly broken.

Several hundred people from the hooligan spectrum and the NPD also participated in the protest. There were attacks on policemen and journalists. (with dpa)
