Transition after US elections: Biden fears more deaths by crown


Fighting Corona is the top priority for US President-elect Biden. Yet the current Trump continues to refuse to make an orderly handover. Biden warns that the blockade will endanger human lives.

By Torsten Teichmann, ARD Studio Washington

The president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, wanted to present his economic program. Then he was asked again about Donald Trump: What if the sitting American president is not ready to admit defeat? “More people may die,” Biden responded, if his staff and the Trump administration do not coordinate with each other on the crown crisis.

“They say they have this ‘warp-speed’ program not only to develop a corona vaccine but also to distribute it. If we have to wait until January 20 to plan now, we are wasting time. That is why it is important that we coordinate.” .

“Reward work, not wealth”

Therefore, Biden is increasing pressure on the Trump administration to accept the election result on a central issue, in the interest of all Americans. The United States is currently experiencing the third increase in corona infections. On average, 150,000 new cases are currently added every day.

This health crisis calls into question all other plans. However, Biden wants to explain how millions of new jobs will be created. He says it is time to reward work in America and not wealth. In a phone conversation with the board of directors of Microsoft, the automaker General Motors or the retail group Target, he repeatedly emphasized that he was a member of the unions, according to Biden.

The plan: Millions of jobs through renewable energy

Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris listed the industries in which new jobs will be created at the press conference: “Millions of high-paying, unionized jobs in the auto, construction, care, service, and hospitality industries and restaurants “. With the exception of the auto industry, these are exactly the industries that created the most jobs in the United States in the run-up to the corona pandemic. So where is the innovation?

“We need to embrace the electric vehicle market,” Biden said. “550,000 charging stations, more than a million high-paying jobs here at home. The federal government must invest more in renewable energy research.”

All of these are long-term goals to get out of the economic crisis. In the short term, Biden is referring to another aid package, worth billions of dollars, that increases unemployment benefits and helps companies with money save time. In Congress, Democrats and Republicans have been unable to agree on the amount of aid for weeks.
