Sunday, November 15, 2020
The infectiologist warns
Christmas could be “Kickstarter” for Corona
At the moment, it appears that Christmas visits could increase the spread of the coronavirus. Therefore, a “normal life” is not possible in December, says Dr. Bernd Salzberger. However, the Biontech and Pfizer vaccine gives hope.
The infectologist Bernd Salzberger warns that Christmas gatherings could intensify the spread of the coronavirus. The last few years had shown that the holidays were a start for the spread of influenza, said the doctor at the Regensburg University Hospital in the newspapers of the Funke media group. “People travel all over Germany, mingle everywhere, you meet your old classmates in the pub. If we’re not lucky, it could be similar to Corona.” He stressed that “there will be no normal life” in December. “That cannot be and would not be sensible.”
Looking at the progress in vaccine development, Salzberger confidently said: “It’s getting better. Now there is a vaccine, that’s the breakthrough. The data is very good. “Of course we still don’t know how good vaccination is in all age groups. It is too early for that, because the results are preliminary. But one thing must be said very clearly: these results show us that we can prevent this infection with vaccines. “
The German company Biontech and the US pharmaceutical company Pfizer were the first Western manufacturers to present promising data from their clinical trials on Monday. Consequently, your vaccine offers more than 90 percent protection against Covid-19. The companies reportedly want to apply to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for emergency approval for the vaccine this month.