The federal government apparently wants to toughen anti-crown measures further.


In the fight against the crown crisis, the federal government proposes strict contact and quarantine restrictions that go beyond existing restrictions. In a draft of the draft resolution for the videoconference between Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Prime Minister this Monday, it is said that children and young people should be encouraged to only meet with a stable friend in their free time .

Private gatherings with friends and acquaintances should generally only be limited to a permanent home. The draft was seen by news agencies dpa and Reuters, among others. It’s just a template, changes are still possible after discussions between the federal and state governments.

According to information from SPIEGEL, in a preparatory meeting with Chancellor Helge Braun (CDU), the heads of the state chancellery urged no decision on Monday. Instead, it should be discussed again on November 23.

But they don’t seem to agree entirely on this. Saarland Prime Minister Tobias Hans spoke out in favor of tightening contact restrictions ahead of federal and state consultations on tackling the crown crisis on Monday. “Ten people are quite a lot who can get together in the aftermath of the measures, we have to talk about that,” said the CDU politician on Sunday night on ZDF’s “Berlin direkt” program. And when asked directly: “I’m for less.”

Rhineland-Palatinate Minister President Malu Dreyer also sees potential in further contact restrictions. “If we come to the conclusion that we are taking more action, either now or next week, then I think the issue of contact restrictions is one of the most obvious, because it is about reducing contacts even further and not to unnecessarily reduce infrastructure again. burden, “said the SPD politician in the ARD” Berlin report. “

Further details of the federal document: According to the federal government, future public gatherings should only be allowed with members of your own household and a maximum of two people from another household. Private parties should initially be avoided until Christmas. As of November 2, only members of your own household and another household can be in public, but no more than 10 people.

In the future, you should go straight home to quarantine whenever you have a cold symptom, especially a cough and a runny nose.

Masks should be mandatory in schools

In addition, measures in schools will be reinforced. The use of mouth and nose protection should be mandatory for students of all ages and for teachers on the school premises and during lessons. Without exception, there should also be fixed groups of students, reducing the size of the groups in the classrooms by half compared to normal operations.

The Bavarian Prime Minister, Markus Söder (CSU), had announced in “Bild live” stricter measures in schools. In principle, there was agreement that schools should remain open for face-to-face teaching, based on preliminary consultations. However, most countries currently do not want to change regulations. Here the fronts have hardened, it was heard.

In accordance with the federal government’s will to protect itself against the coronavirus, people at particular risk, such as the elderly and the infirm, should receive discounted FFP2 masks starting in December. To reduce the risk of contagion, the federal government will allow this population group to sell 15 of these masks for a small contribution, according to the draft resolution. Mathematically, this results in one mask per winter week. The federal government will bear the costs.

Appointment for interim report

The meeting on Monday, two weeks after the November contact restrictions took effect, was initially scheduled to take stock. No major decisions were planned. The federal government said in advance that there could not yet be a relaxation. Instead, the federal and state governments will likely decide in the week of November 23 whether measures should be tightened before Christmas or can be relaxed.

Seven-day numbers give rise to some hope

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the health authorities reported 16,947 new corona infections in Germany in one day. That’s 5,514 cases less than the previous day with 22,461 new cases reported within 24 hours. The number of cases registered is usually lower on Sundays, in part because fewer tests are conducted on weekends. Last Sunday, the number of new infections reported was 16,017.

The 7-day incidence also did not rise as rapidly as it did in early November and was 140.4 cases in seven days per 100,000 residents on Friday. The federal government’s goal is to get closer to an incidence of 50. Only then is it possible to retrace the individual contacts of infected people.

Icon: The mirror
