“Anne Will”: Talk with Baerbock, Scholz and Merz about Corona and feminism


It’s basically a small group of elephants in “Anne Will.” The central question of the ARD thematic week “How do we want to live?” take a stand: Annalena Baerbock for the Greens and their eco-gender Genderkokolores, Olaf Scholz for dry finance (and the SPD) and Friedrich Merz (CDU) for themselves.

Wolfgang Schäuble is only present in spirit with his quasi-papal phrase uttered in an interview for Die Welt: “We have to take advantage of the impact of the pandemic so that the incredible steering wheel of capitalism and the financial markets does not turn too much.” The amazing steering wheel! From capitalism!

Merz and the financial industry

Let’s ask Friedrich Merz, who, as chairman of the supervisory board of the Blackrock fund company with assets under management worldwide of more than seven trillion US dollars, turned the wheel. “That surprises me a bit now, I’ve been out there for six months,” says Merz, who was a good employer, and also, in the financial industry, “it’s already down a lot,” probably from the top.

Specifically, it is about how Germany is currently weathering the crisis economically, about investments and where they should come from. Scholz believes that “sentences” like Schäuble’s should also be followed by “actions”. That is to say, emergency aid, guarantees, loans, November aid, more than 300,000 million additional loans and a general feeling that “it will work out.”

Baerbock and capitalism

That’s not enough for Baerbock. His party asks for an investment program of 500,000 million euros. With the system he wants to do what Marx did with Hegel, turn it “upside down.” There should not be “a little less capitalism”, but a radical reorientation towards ecological and therefore future-oriented goals.

Scholz hears that and says, “I think I’d like to help with the facts a bit.” Already now, annual investments of around 50 billion are invested in the budget, and if you extrapolate that to ten years, come on – brown! – the green sum out. Otherwise, share the opinion of the colleague.

Merz, on the other hand, does not trust the unit, nor does he like the direction of the show: “Now we are a little too involved in the politics of the day,” complains the possible next candidate for Chancellor of the Union: “Maybe we will talk of a life after Corona, what comes really after that? What will our country be like in ten years?

When it comes to Merz, like twenty years ago. He “has a lot of contact with young people who start companies”, including “many women”, and they threatened to go to foreign capital markets because everything is too bureaucratic in this country. You would like to give up your taxes entirely for the first ten years. Thus and not otherwise. Otherwise, it threatens the “state economy”.

Because in ten years we will still not be living in a capital market, but hopefully in a society, the editorial team vanishes again in a famous quote from Merz, made with respect to the state increases in short-time labor benefits: “There are to be a little careful that we are not all used to that we can live without work “.

“To be honest, I don’t understand why he’s doing this a second time,” says Merz, referring to the quote. That was taken out of context. Will patiently explains that he could have put it another way, that is, people wanted to work and companies would keep these employees, hence the short-time allowance. Scholz takes the opportunity to point out once again what, from his point of view, makes sense about this regulation in the long term.

Scholz and feminism

But Will now would like to focus on the “image of man” and therefore on the question of gender equality. The complaint of a client who did not want to be treated as a “client” by her savings bank. The bill with the feminine generic.

Merz can’t believe it. Today, Asia has created “the largest coherent economic area in the world for the benefit of China” – and we are talking about believers and Creditor“We really have” some other challenges “to face right now.

Baerbock decreed that Merz should “listen a little” now. When it comes to China, including the new free trade area, you certainly have to think about what values ​​Europe represents in contrast. Those unprepared to tackle structural sexism “cannot rule 80 million people.”

The “feminist” (Scholz on Scholz) agrees and expresses the suspicion that the CDU and CSU don’t even understand what it’s all about. Merz ironically: “Oh, now the level is rising”, at which Scholz takes another step. It is one of some men’s “power methods” to “laugh a little when it comes to women.”

Merz points out that Scholz and Baerbock are sitting in the Bundestag and could take care of their good equality there: “Do it!” Baerbock replied, unfortunately there were no majorities, and that “blocks your CDU.”

The future, the present and the past have rarely been so clearly distinguished in a talk.

Icon: The mirror
