After Caffier Gun Purchase: Schwesig Demands Clarification


WWhen a minister is under pressure, his boss has several options. It can express confidence in him or mean that he has lost it. Manuela Schwesig and her interior minister, Lorenz Caffier, chose a middle ground for the weekend. But that’s not the end of the matter for him. “The defense of democracy and freedom and the fight against right-wing extremism are central concerns of the state government in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania,” announced the State Chancellery after the Prime Minister’s meeting with Caffier. “There should be no doubt about it.” As unclear as it is on the long and burning affair of the minister’s arms purchase, one thing is for sure: a communication disaster.

Matthias Wyssuwa

Matthias Wyssuwa

Political Correspondent for Northern Germany and Scandinavia based in Hamburg.

It concerns the activities of the far-right network “Nordkreuz”, its connections with the security forces, with a shooting range in Güstrow and with its boss Frank T. Last Thursday, Interior Minister Caffier was presenting the report. of constitutional protection when a journalist from the “newspaper” asked him if he bought a gun from Frank T. as a private person. He could be asked about private matters, the minister replied. A video of the scene made the rounds and the outrage grew.

On Friday, Caffier commented on it. When asked if he had bought a gun from the managing director of the “Baltic Shooters” Frank T., who is said to have connections to the Nordkreuz network, told “Spiegel”: “Yes, I did. A gun. At the beginning of 2018, on the basis of the legal basis and at a time when the man was not yet under suspicion and was considered a reliable training partner for the police at home and abroad. Caffier emphasized that special units from other federal states had also trained at the firing range. and he’s been a hunter for 40 years, pistols were part of normal equipment. Still, the disaster was perfect.

The goal was the collapse of the political order

In the report on the protection of the constitution presented, the “Nordkreuz” network is referred to as a “right-wing extremist group” that has prepared specifically for the collapse of the political order. This also includes the acquisition of weapons and ammunition. “It is worrying that there are also police among the members.”

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A central figure in the network is said to be Marko G., a former SEK policeman, in whose house a total of around 55,000 rounds of ammunition were found in 2017 and 2019, as well as a submachine gun that had disappeared from stock. of the armed forces. In 2019, a trial against G. only concerned allegations of illegal possession of weapons. Because he had permission for many things, he got away with a suspended sentence. Investigations were also carried out against other active or former members of the special forces. Caffier had presented himself as an educator, a commission had drawn up reform proposals for the special forces. As a marksman and coach, G. also had connections to the shooting range in Güstrow, which is said to have been important to the net. As the “newspaper” reports, the place was searched in 2019.
