Anja Karliczek complains about pressure from Muslim students on teachers


secondUndes Education Minister Anja Karliczek has complained about the pressure exerted by Muslim students and their parents on teachers. In an interview with WELT AM SONNTAG, the CDU politician said: “Apparently these types of incidents are no longer isolated cases. You have to be very attentive here. It’s about protecting our values ​​and also about helping our teachers. “

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Teachers would need more support and offers of additional training on how to behave in such conflicts. “You can’t just look at the students. Children only reflect what is said and lived in the homes of their parents ”. In schools, of course, we must live our values, says Karliczek, and this clearly includes respect and tolerance for the opinion of others and the religion of others.

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Karliczek said that the federal government will spend around 44 million euros on magnet training by 2024. “Currently, more than 2,000 students are trained at seven universities. This is a very important cornerstone to ensure that a tolerant and cosmopolitan Islam spreads as widely as possible in Germany in the future. ”

This text is from WELT AM SONNTAG. We will be happy to take them home periodically.

Source: Welt am Sonntag
