Apparently rockets were fired at Asmara: Tigray conflict threatens to spread


The capital of Eritrea, Asmara, was reportedly attacked with multiple rockets from the Tigray region. The conflict between Ethiopia and the breakaway region threatens to affect Eritrea as well.

The conflict in Ethiopia appears to be getting worse. On Saturday night, several rockets were launched from the Ethiopian region of Tigray towards the capital of Eritrea. Reuters and AFP news agencies report, citing several diplomats. At least two missiles hit the Asmara airport.

It was initially unclear how many projectiles were fired and what damage they caused. The Eritrean radio station Erena reported a total of four explosions, citing residents of Asmara.

TPLF had threatened attacks

The Popular Liberation Front (TPLF), which governs Tigray, had previously threatened rocket attacks on targets in Eritrea. He accuses Eritrea of ​​supporting the Ethiopian government in the conflict with the TPLF. There had already been tension in Tigray in recent months. The TPLF does not recognize Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

Abiy has been Prime Minister of Ethiopia since April 2018. The TPLF did not join the unity government formed by him. Abiy received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019 for his efforts to achieve reconciliation with neighboring Eritrea. It also opened up Ethiopia economically and politically, but it failed to control ethnic unrest.

Thousands on the run

At the beginning of the month, the military conflict between the Ethiopian central government forces in Addis Ababa and the TPLF fighters completely broke out. Since then, according to the Sudanese refugee agency, at least 21,000 Ethiopians have fled the fighting in neighboring Sudan.

The human rights organization Amnesty International also reported on Thursday a massacre of civilians in Tigray, probably with hundreds of deaths. Those responsible for the attack in the city of Mai-Kadra were initially unknown.
