Corona’s numbers in Bavaria remain high: Söder already surprises with a sad New Year’s Eve forecast


In Bavaria, the number of corona cases continues to increase considerably. There are discussions about the test strategy of the head of CSU, Markus Söder. Meanwhile, ambulances are running low.

  • All of Germany is in a “blocking light”. Now there are discussions in the state government about the Bavarian test strategy.
  • Meanwhile, ambulances are running out in Bavaria due to the crown crisis (see update of November 14 at 9:05 am).
  • This ticker is continually updated.
  • Here we offer you the current case numbers in Bavaria on a map *.

Update, 2:21 pm: Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus Söder (CSU) has one too soon Loosening of current anti-crown measures clear rejection granted. Until the end of November “there will be no relaxation at all, that doesn’t make any sense,” the CSU head said in a speech at a state Internet assembly of the Bavarian Youth Union on Saturday. Söder did not rule out an extension of the temporary partial block or a further tightening of the measures. With a view to further federal-state consultations on Monday, he said: “If it has to be expanded, it is possible, we will see. If more needs to be done, everything will be decided. “

Crown in Bavaria: Government keeps vaccines as reserve – Opposition criticizes

Update, 12:22 pm: More than half a million Flu Vaccination Dose are still used in Bavaria as reservation detained. According to a report from the Augsburger Allgemeine will be distributed soon. The Bavarian Health Ministry on Saturday referred to the German Press Agency about a cabinet decision on June 23, which provides for stocks. This is also publicly communicated become.

“As far as we know, it’s around 550,000 teachers the so-called Bayern reserve, which had acquired the Free State of Bavaria ”, the newspaper quoted the executive director of the Bavarian Association of Statutory Doctors of Health Insurance (KVB), Wolfgang Krombholz, as saying. The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians applied for approval in late October. “In this regard, we welcome the fact that this should take place now.”

the Opposition criticized state government procedure. “There have been reports for weeks that The flu vaccine is running out and many doctors and pharmacies on the market no longer get it, ”the health expert of the SPD parliamentary group, Ruth Waldmann, told the newspaper. Waldmann also referred to numerous vaccination calls of the Ministry of Health.

Crown in Bavaria: will the blockade be extended? Söder offers an honest perspective

Update, 11:08 am: Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) commented on the current “Lockdown Light” on the “Jodel” platform. One will look at the extent to which current measures are having an effect and then decide whether one Extension or even tighten necessary. In addition, the CSU chief also spoke about the upcoming vacation. On New Year’s Eve, it is already safe to say that it is rather “very small partiesI will give, so Söder.

Update on November 14 at 9:05 am: At Crown crisis in Bavaria Now a new problem appears: Bavarian Red Cross ambulance (BRK) they are running out. On the one hand, this is because more patients it would have to be transported, said a BRK spokesman in Munich. For another, Corona missions take longer. Paramedics would have to plan longer to change protective clothing and disinfect the car, for example. Non-emergency patients may have to wait a little longer. For him many busy hospitals he would also have to go often to more distant hospitals with free beds. The spokesperson stressed that no one was left unsupervised for this.

When there are bottlenecks they jump as before Corona *, Volunteers one, for example, from the water or mountain rescue service. “It is not that someone with a heart attack, for example, has to be afraid that an ambulance service will not arrive,” said the spokesman. In these cases it would come Ambulance to use.

Munich with increasing distance to “target value”: Söder government wants to reverse crown strategy

First report on November 13 at 6 pm.:

Munich – In the Munich Clinic There are Neuperlach Location one coronavirus outbreak. That confirmed one Clinic spokesperson in front of Munich Mercury Y tz. ten Patient and three Employee therefore they tested positive.

Corona in Bavaria: outbreak in Munich hospital – city with high incidence

the Infections happened in Acute geriatrics center Y Early rehabilitation. This is a separate apartment from the main building. the outbreak According to the clinic, it goes back to a patient. There was one for this at the time of admission. Coronatest with a negative result. The patient also did not show a typical crown Symptoms. However, these occurred later in the course of the hospital stay. Then a new test showed a positive result.

The Bavarian capital currently has a 7-day incidence of 214.9. The Isar metropolis is thus increasingly moving away from the target value of the incidence of 50. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) recently proclaimed this benchmark in order to relax the currently applicable measures. The Bavarian state government now has everything to do with fighting the corona pandemic Discussions about the test strategy.

The one with the CSU ruling in the free state Free voter call for a new Corona * test strategy for Bavaria and therefore directly oppose the statements of Prime Minister Markus Söder. “The test strategy in Bavaria must be adapted immediately to current developments. The above testing-for-all strategy threatens to lead to testing bottlenecks and high costs, ”Secretary General Susann Enders said Friday. He referred to a corresponding decision by the state executive committee of the Free Voters on Thursday night, who was also deputy prime minister and finance minister. Hubert aiwanger contributes.

Crown in Bavaria: Söder sticks to testing strategy, even for people without symptoms

I had this week South explains that we want to stick to the previous strategy with tests for people without symptoms of disease: “In Bavaria we will definitely be the kresume free trials“He said Monday in Munich.

Free voters who attended Tuesday’s cabinet meeting, which was also about the Test strategy was, still supported the CSU course, see it different now: “Doctors and laboratories are working at their maximum capacity,” Enders said. To avoid an additional burden for municipalities and medical professionals, the Quickly adjusted strategy be. In recent months, there have been repeated disputes between the CSU and free voters over the state government’s crown policy.

Söder’s government moves forward: free voters want to get away from the crown’s strategy

Aiwanger does not directly refer to them in the Free Voters message Criticisms of the test strategy one. Instead, he referred to the growing Divided public opinion on the crown situation and found that free voters are always “goal-oriented and measures provided“I would have used. “We have to bring people with us even further when it comes to political considerations to be successful in overcoming the crisis. Only if citizens can understand the decisions, do they actively participate in the implementation instead of themselves. frustrated backing out. “* is part of the national network of Ippen-Digital publishers.

List of rubrics lists: © Sven Hoppe / dpa
