Donald Trump sues against the 2020 US elections: Shameful appearance of his lawyer: “Aren’t you ashamed?”


  • Matthis Pechtold

    sinceMatthis Pechtold


  • conclude

Donald Trump continues to fight his defeat in the US elections in the courts. His lawyer defends the president of the United States on late night television.

  • Donald Trump is demanding the result of the in many states of the USA. 2020 U.S. elections. I’m “swing state” Pennsylvania even get a win.
  • Jenna Ellis, campaign attorney for Donald trump, defended the wave of lawsuits against the United States Election on TV.
  • Trump News: All the information on the outgoing US president.

Update on Saturday, November 14, 2020 at 7.45 am.: Shortly after Donald trump Having delivered his first public speech after the US elections, his campaign legal adviser, Jenna Ellis, defended the words of the Presidents of United States. Speaking to late-night host Bill Maher, Ellis reiterated the Trump team’s claims that the election was rigged and illegal votes were counted.

Maher objected and cited several US law enforcement agencies that the 2020 U.S. elections it was the safest and most beautiful of all time. However, Ellis claimed that the courts were off campaign. Donald trump and I already agree with your accusations. In fact, only one of more than 20 lawsuits in Trump’s campaign against the US elections has been tested so far.

Donald Trump: lawyer has a headwind on late-night television

The evening host became increasingly impatient with that Trump-Anwältin. “Enough,” Maher said as Ellis repeated accusations that there were no poll watchers. republican at United States Election would have been allowed. At the end of the conversation, Maher asked, “Aren’t you a little embarrassed that you denigrate the work of the people who worked so hard for what is probably the hardest choice of all time?”

Donald Trump defends himself from defeat in US election: law firm throws in the towel

Update on Friday, November 13, 2020 at 5 pm: On Monday (November 9, 2020) he had on behalf of the campaign of Donald trump sued against the election result in Pennsylvania, now the chancellery back from the case. The “New York Times” reported the same day on the tensions within the law firm; individual employees would have their displeasure with the lawsuit against the outcome of the United States Election in Pennsylvania voiced.

The person in question chancellery “Porter Wright Morris & Arthur” had filed new lawsuits in the “Federal District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania,” which also question the integrity of the electoral process. If they do this for Donald trump will continue is not yet clear. the chancellery obtained from the organization of the campaign Triumphs So far received contract money of at least 727 thousand US dollars, so the “New York Times”.

Donald Trump: A hit off the golf course.

© Steve Helber / dpa

Donald Trump: will not accept defeat in the US elections

Pittsburgh – Donald trump He is angry at what he sees as the postponed outcome of the 2020 presidential election and continues to present himself as a true winner and victim of fraud. Rather than accept his loss to Joe Biden and give the president-elect a clean and quick trade, Trump is suing the counts in many states.

In Pennsylvania a judge now excluded a small number of vote-by-mail ballots in the president-elect sense from the election, as the “Pittsburgh Post-Gazette” reports.

Donald Trump achieves first hit, some Pennsylvania postal votes are invalid

According to the Pittsburgher Zeitung, the “disqualified” postal votes came from first-time voters who could not confirm their identity on Election Day on November 9, 2020. The Commonwealth Court Judge in Pennsylvania, Mary Hannah Leavitt, decided that the Pennsylvania Secretary of State, Kathy boockvar, was not authorized to instruct the electoral boards of the district in question to count the vote-by-mail ballots that were submitted by voters whose eligibility to vote was confirmed after November 9 but before November 12.

Minister Boockvar (Democrat) argued in court that the guidelines she was using came from a provision in the state’s election law. Pennsylvania that allows voters to prove their identity “within six calendar days following the election.” The campaign around Donald trump however, he argued that Kathy boockvar It was not empowered to issue instructions based on these guidelines to extend the time accordingly.

A judge from the ranks of the Republicans approves Donald Trump

Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt, a Republican who has served since 2002, followed the Trump campaign’s reasoning. It is not yet known how many of the votes cast are affected by the decision, but it is assumed to be a smaller number, reports the MSNBC news channel. The State Department rejected it, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette report. Pennsylvania from the newspaper to comment on how many mail-in ballots are now invalid due to the court ruling. It is true that Donald trump you will feel confirmed in your opinion. (Mirko Schmid)

Rubriklistenbild: © Realtime with Bill Maher / Screenshot
