Corona: Will it close in Germany also in December? Söder clarifies: “I have to go through this now”


For more than a week, the whole of Germany has been in the “light of the blockade.” CSU boss Markus Söder takes stock and makes it clear: it could take longer to reach the goal.

Munich – Germany left the Crown-Emergency closure according to CSU-Chief Markus Söder There is still a long way to go. “Our goal should be to be below the seven-day incidence of 50,” the Bavarian prime minister told Münchner Merkur. The incidence at the national level is currently almost 140. The question is whether the dose of the measures is sufficient, he says. South. “It is like in medicine. If we now lower the numbers a bit and break apart too early, we could fall into a constant alternation of closing and opening. That would hardly be understandable to people. Therefore, we have to lead the therapy that has already started until it is successful. “

Corona: blockade also in December? Söder takes a stand

The specific question of whether the Emergency shutdown it will also run until December South still open: “We have to get on with that now. Then we will see if four weeks is enough. After the third week, you need an honest assessment: What worked? How far have the numbers dropped and can health authorities adequately trace the contacts again? ”. In the Berchtesgaden example, you can see what brings a clear closure: “In three weeks, the numbers were cut in half.”

“What we are accomplishing now will help us all at Christmas.”

Markus Söder

Crown in Germany: Söder clearly rejects curfew

Ultimately, the behavior of the next few weeks will decide whether Christmas I could celebrate with the family. “I call on citizens to take responsibility now to participate consistently,” he said. Prime Minister. “What we are accomplishing now will help us all at Christmas.” The topic Curfew granted South a vague rejection. He notes that they are currently available in many other countries, but not in Bavaria and Germany. “That must remain our goal,” said the Prime Minister.

They love each other on monday Prime Minister Next time discuss the measures that have been applied so far. Also the Prime Minister of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer (CDU) maintains current containment Corona infections in Germany for “far not enough”. So far, at most, lateral movement can be detected, Kretschmer said Wednesday in ARD– “Morning magazine”.

Corona: Söder warns of “lateral thinkers” and calls for vigilance for the protection of the constitution

Another issue is important to the Prime Minister of Bavaria during the pandemic. the defense of the constitution must act in accordance with the will of Markus Söder more intense with the radical elements in the Movement “lateral thinker” use. “In Germany, we initially underestimate the citizens of the Reich and then we experienced how a completely absurd idea can pose a serious threat to the state and life,” said the Bavarian Prime Minister of our editorial team. “I have a bad feeling that something similar is brewing among some of the lateral thinkers.”

He said the development is causing him great concern. CSU President. “A growing conglomerate of Right-wing extremists, Reich citizens, anti-Semites and absurd Conspiracy theorists, They even accuse the politics of Satanism. He too defense of the constitution You need to closely watch what is unfolding there. Because many of these groups want a different state ”. Söder does not describe his wish as a direct job assignment. The protection of the constitution in Bayern act independently, he emphasized in an interview.

Markus Söder on school in the days of Corona: “I warn against school every day”

Söder also defends the decision schools keep open. “At the moment, the infection rate is much lower than expected.” Quarantine rules Y Mask requirement they are crucial. “I caution against badmouthing the school every day and putting students and parents under additional pressure.” It calls on all those who work in the school sector to talk to each other and not to each other, “to avoid tense time Situation do not squeeze in schools ”. It probably won’t be a normal school year, “but it has to be fair.”

Meanwhile the problem The policy of the crown also reaches half of society. the CSU-Chef however he asks to see the whole picture. “We have strong growth Body count in Germany. Accepting that with a shrug, while it might save lives, would be an ethical surrender. I can do this with mine awareness not responsible. ”

Header list image: © picture alliance / dpa / Sven Hoppe
