Letter to the Freie Universität: Minister Giffey resigns her doctorate


Franziska Giffey received her Ph.D. ten years ago. But there were already accusations of plagiarism in 2019. The Free University of Berlin now wanted to review the work again. Giffey, however, anticipates this by giving up the title.

Family Minister Franziska Giffey wants to give up her doctorate in the future. She communicated this in a letter to the president of the Free University (FU) of Berlin, according to the “Berliner Morgenpost”. The vice president of the Berlin SPD regional association, Iris Spranger, confirmed Giffey’s decision.

SPD policy decided to avoid further harm to his family and his political work, as well as to his party, the letter says. Giffey has held the degree since 2010. Formally, however, only the issuing university can withdraw the degree.

In February 2019, Giffey himself asked the UF to initiate a formal examination procedure for his dissertation “Europe’s path to citizenship: the European Commission’s policy on civil society participation.” The examiners then found “objective deception” in 27 locations. The university decided in fall 2019 not to revoke Giffey’s doctorate and instead issue a reprimand.

Despite the deficiencies found, it cannot be fundamentally questioned that the dissertation was an independent academic achievement, the FU announced at the time. According to a court ruling, which considers a complaint admissible at most in a less serious case, the university recently announced that it wanted to re-examine the doctoral thesis.
