Women’s quota: Christine Lambrecht and Daniel Günther want rules for Dax board members


The Federal Minister of Justice, Christine Lambrecht, is planning, together with the Federal Minister of Family Affairs, Franziska Giffey (both of the SPD), a quota for women on the board of directors of listed companies. This fee already applies to supervisory boards. However, in the coalition partner, the Union, many are reluctant to take up the project, especially the Federal Minister for the Economy, Peter Altmaier (CDU), who is strictly against a quota increase.

But the latest statements by Markus Söder have brought the movement back to the debate. The CSU chief ruled in favor of a quota for women on Dax’s boards. Lambrecht told SPIEGEL she was pleased “that Mr. Söder has now also come to this conclusion.” Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) also told the plenary session of the Bundestag how important it is to have women in leadership positions.

However, Lambrecht cautions: “You shouldn’t just talk lip-service. Action is required.” Together with Giffey, he presented “a law that takes up exactly this point and provides for a minimum number of women on the boards of large companies.”

The CDU is saying that now is not the time to expand the quota of women for companies, because the economy is currently under enough pressure, Lambrecht said. “Women as a burden, you have to imagine. I really have no words.” If Söder and Merkel were serious, the Union should no longer hit the brakes and block the law.

Lambrecht is supported by the Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein, Daniel Günther (CDU). “I have been in favor of a quota of women in the CDU for a long time,” he told SPIEGEL. “Looking at Dax’s board members, I think it just won’t work without such regulation. We have relied on voluntariness for long enough.” There are highly qualified women “in great numbers”.

In the Union faction in the Bundestag, resistance also appears to be waning. After the CSU regional group came out in favor of a quota on Dax board members, parliamentary group vice chairman Thorsten Frei also expressed his approval: “I view the progress with sympathy. There is still room for improvement in board members when it comes to women’s participation. ” the CDU politician told Reuters news agency. The “Women in Leadership” coalition working group should now submit a proposal as soon as possible.

The CSU regional group leader, Alexander Dobrindt, had spoken at the “Welt” for a fixed quota of women in DAX companies. On the other hand, Friedrich Merz, candidate for the CDU presidency, told Wirtschaftswoche: “The quota is always only the second best solution. I hope we can think of something better.” But he didn’t make a specific suggestion.

Icon: The mirror
