Germany trend: best value for Merkel – applause for Habeck – domestic politics


Good news for the Chancellor!

Angela Merkel (66, CDU) is at the forefront of the most popular politicians in the country.

In the current “ARD Germany trend”, 74 percent of those eligible to vote (plus two percent in the previous month) are very satisfied or satisfied with their work, its peak in the current legislative period.

Merkel was last so popular in April 2015. The values ​​also show that the Chancellor is on the right track with her handling of the Corona crisis, according to the population.

►The intersectoral support of the Minister of Finance to deal with the crisis is also bearing fruit.

Because the popularity index of SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz (62) is skyrocketing: his popularity grew by a whopping eleven points compared to the previous month to 63 percent.

Trend in Germany: German politicians are so (un) popular - infographic

CDU Health Minister Jens Spahn (65 percent; plus 3) and SPD Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (57 percent; plus 6) also set new personal records as CDU Economy Minister, Peter Altmaier (55 percent; plus 8).

For Robert Habeck (51), on the other hand, there is applause in the poll! Only one in three (33 percent) is currently satisfied with the Greens boss’s job (minus one percent compared to September). This is its lowest value since May 2019.

Horst Seehofer (71, CSU) is polarizing like no other: 46 percent of those surveyed are satisfied with the interior minister’s job. One in two people (49 percent) is less or not satisfied with it.

Satisfaction with GroKo on a record

Not only politicians, but also the federal government can get scores in terms of popularity.

The GroKo Corona course is well received by Germans: two-thirds of respondents (67 percent) are currently satisfied with the work of the black-red coalition, a new record in the ARD Germany trend.

Clear support for the current government’s work comes from supporters of the Union (87 percent) and the SPD (78 percent). But there is also great popularity among the ranks of the Greens (85 percent).

GroKo continues to reap the biggest headwind of AfD supporters: 87 percent of supporters critically rate the work of the federal government.

This was the result of a poll of 1004 voters conducted by infratest dimap for the trend ARD Germany on Monday and Tuesday of this week.
