Corona: Angela Merkel is clear: are schools in Germany threatened with closure?



  • Several attorneys criticize the planned change to the Infection Protection Act
  • Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) gives hope for a Christmas party in the larger family
  • There is a new record number of new corona infections in Austria
  • In 3,240 schools in Germany, face-to-face teaching is no longer fully carried out: are the schools now threatened with a complete closure?
  • Chancellor Angela Merkel does not want to promise that the restaurant industry can reopen on December 1
  • According to the Bavarian administrative court, the complete closure of gyms is illegal
  • According to our research, so far more than 744,000 corona infections have been recorded in Germany and more than 12,000 people have died in connection with the Covid 19 disease.

A winter without Christmas parties with friends and colleagues? The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) offers little hope for a larger social gathering in December. Rules like keeping your distance, masks, hand hygiene and ventilation would accompany German citizens for a long time, RKI president Lothar Wieler said in Berlin on Thursday. “We will have to pinch our buttocks for a few more months,” he added with unusual clarity.

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) also agreed that people in Germany will have to wait for personal restrictions for a long time due to the corona pandemic. “If we go through there and lower the numbers, that does not mean: from December or January things can really start again and again the wedding celebrations or the Christmas parties as if nothing had happened,” Spahn told rbb Inforadio .

Crown – More information on the topic

Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) does not want to make any promises that the restoration can reopen on December 1. It is crucial that the number of new infections is reduced to 50 infections per 100,000 in seven days, Merkel said in a citizen dialogue on a relevant issue. “So we have a good chance,” he added.

Corona-News: RKI reports almost 22,000 new infections in 24 hours

German health authorities have to
Robert Koch Institute
(RKI) reported 21,866 new corona infections in 24 hours on Thursday. On Saturday, the RKI had more than
23,000 new corona infections
registered within one day.
Read here:
These are RKI Corona’s current case numbers and the number of reproductions.

Thursday, November 12: Lawyers criticize planned amendment to the Infection Protection Act

With paragraph 28a, the federal government wants
German infection protection law
change so that corona pandemic measures in a
legal base
feet. These include, for example, contact restrictions, the obligation to wear a mask or economic cuts such as the closure of business.

However, at a hearing at the Bundestag health commission, several
Doubts expressed about the reform in its currently planned form. The bill falls short of its goal of “placing significant violations of fundamental rights in the wake of the corona pandemic on a sufficiently specific basis,” criticized Professor Anika Klafki from the University of Jena. Other lawyers also did not consider the changes sufficient to be accepted by the courts as the basis for comprehensive protection measures.

The Bundestag and Bundesrat are expected to vote on the change to the Infection Protection Act on Wednesday.

School inspectors are examining complaints against teachers for denial of the crown

17:18 h:
Berlin school inspection
According to a report, it is due to an official exam against a vocational school teacher.
Crown denial
initiated. The man is said to have questioned the pandemic in class and proved himself a crown denier on a private YouTube channel, the rbb reported. The school supervisory authority is now verifying the statements made in the classroom in terms of the service law, and the statements on YouTube are also being verified in this regard.

According to the station, the vocational school teacher told students in class that they did not have to wear their masks. On his YouTube channel, the man spoke of a “censorship of freedom of expression” and described the masks as “modern swastika”.

Söder gives hope for Christmas in the family

4.48 pm:
Prime Minister of Bavaria
Markus Söder
(CSU) has hope for one
Christmas in large family
. “We must succeed, that’s the clear goal that we can implement as many family as possible,” says Söder “Bild”. The decisive question is not “if you can go on vacation during the Christmas holidays, but with whom you can spend the holidays.” Söder adds: “We will have to judge: what will happen now, what are the prospects for the next few days, and then what will really happen at Christmas will be shown.”

New record for new infections in Austria

4:03 pm:
the new positive tests have peaked. 9,262 new cases of corona were counted in 24 hours. 3,811 people are in hospital treatment for the corona virus, 546 of them in intensive care units.

According to the Ministry of Social Affairs, there have been technical problems in reporting new illnesses in recent days. Health Minister Rudolf Anschober assumes that the problems have already been resolved, but that there will still be “late reports” this Thursday. The government, which imposed a new blockade ten days ago, wants to discuss how to proceed on Friday. Further tightening of the measures is expected.

Will the closure also come in schools?

2:55 pm:
stay open, they are dated
Partial blocking
saved – politics made this promise. And many parents trust him, and it would also be important to children’s educational success to keep schools running. But can politics deliver on its promise?

More than 300,000 students and up to 30,000 teachers are in quarantine nationwide – the teachers’ association takes this on. At the end of September there were still around 50,000 students. The Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) was unable to provide an exact overview at the national level on Wednesday.

Due to the increasing number of infections among students and teachers, more and more
abandon regular operation. This is demonstrated by the figures for 14 federal states available to our editorial team. After that, face-to-face teaching in 3,240 schools will no longer take place in its entirety. 365 learning groups were completely closed in Berlin.

Such is the situation in the federal states

  • North Rhine-Westphalia:
    There is no regular classroom instruction in 552 schools
  • Bayern:
    There is no regular classroom instruction in 255 schools
  • Baden-Württemberg:
    There is no regular classroom teaching in 273 schools
  • Lower Saxony:
    There is no regular classroom instruction in 221 schools
  • Hamburg:
    There is no regular classroom teaching in 213 schools
  • Thuringia:
    There is no regular classroom teaching in 109 schools
  • Rhineland-Palatinate:
    There is no regular classroom instruction in 216 schools
  • Brandenburg:
    There is no regular classroom teaching in 170 schools
  • Saxony-Anhalt:
    There is no regular classroom teaching in 120 schools
  • Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania:
    There is no regular classroom teaching in 30 schools
  • Schleswig Holstein:
    There is no regular classroom instruction in 71 schools
  • Saar:
    There is no regular classroom instruction in 128 schools
  • Saxony:
    There is no regular classroom teaching in 170 schools

Hesse and Bremen did not provide information on how many schools teach partially or fully through distance learning.

Heinz-Peter Meidinger, president of the Association of German Teachers, talks about a “salami shutdown” in the “Bild” newspaper: politicians have withdrawn and leave schools alone.
Read here:
Corona crisis: thousands of schools again in a state of emergency

The port of Hamburg’s birthday will also be canceled in 2021

2.47 pm:
The Hanseatic city itself calls it that way too
world’s largest port festival
– but next year it will be due to the corona pandemic in Hamburg
no birthday port
give. “But it would be irresponsible with the many voluntary partners, the innumerable companies associated with the port birthday, with our service providers, with all for whom the port birthday is a matter of the heart, to continue to produce costs and effort, although there are no real possibilities of it being carried out. ” , justified the senator for Economic Affairs of the Hanseatic city, Michael Westhagemann, the decision.

Currently, it is difficult to predict how the pandemic will unfold in early May. However, with a very high probability, it can be assumed that the virus will not be gone by then.

Merkel does not agree to open restaurants in December

2.42 pm:
Chancellor Angela Merkel does not want to promise that the restaurant industry can reopen on December 1. It is crucial that the number of new infections is reduced to 50 infections per 100,000 in seven days, Merkel said in a citizen dialogue on a relevant issue. “So we have a good chance,” he added.

“We are doing everything we can to make progress again in December. But we have to go through a difficult winter ”. You need to be sensible, even if you notice an initial flattening of the curve for new infections. He knows that gastronomy is particularly affected, says Merkel, referring to compensation for the November closures.

Crown – More on the topic

The complete closure of fitness studios in Bavaria is not legal

2.39 pm:
The Administrative Court of Bavaria has the
full closure of gyms
inclined in the course of partial blocking. The court ruled in a published order that the full shutdown violates the principle of equal treatment. The corresponding regulation in the Bavarian state ordinance is suspended. Legal remedies are not possible.

With the decision, the judges partially granted the urgent motion of a gym operator. The Senate assumes that gym owners will be harmed by the total closure, without this being objectively justified. Full closure is not provided because individual sport should still be allowed according to the regulations. This should also apply to fitness studies.

All other news about the corona pandemic can be found in our news ticker above.

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