Live coronavirus ticker: +++ 05:21 Turkey issues ban on smoking in public places +++


Turkey bans smoking in public places in crowded places. The Interior Ministry announced that the background for this was the recall of smoking masks. Turkey currently recorded 2,693 new infections. Only those cases are included in the statistics for which symptoms occur.

+++ 04:43 The Education Association does not have uniform quarantine regulations for schools +++
The President of the Association for Education and Parenting, Udo Beckmann, calls for uniform regulations for corona cases in schools. The regulations of the health authorities are currently very different. “If the whole class is in quarantine in one district, in the other it is only the direct neighbors, if they do, because it was aired.” That is incomprehensible and generates resentment and uncertainty. Clear and transparent rules are needed about when who should be quarantined. Previously, a statement from the Association of German Teachers caused a stir, according to which more than 300,000 students and up to 30,000 teachers are currently in quarantine. Beckmann was skeptical of these numbers.

+++ 04:08 Cardiologist: Avoiding clinics is more dangerous than the risk of infection +++
Heart specialists fear that patients will again stay away from clinics for fear of a corona infection. “The risk of becoming infected in hospital is many times less than the risk of not receiving treatment,” said cardiologist Thomas Voigtländer of the German Heart Foundation. During the first wave of corona, according to evaluations by a health insurance company, more than 40 percent fewer patients came to the hospital for urgent cardiovascular problems than in the same period of the previous year. “Despite the pandemic, the clinics are equipped for emergency care,” stressed Voigtländer. You have “learned” since spring.

+++ 03:42 France reports more than 35,000 infections +++
France has registered 35,879 new infections. That’s up from 22,180 the day before, but still significantly less than last week’s values ​​of sometimes more than 60,000. A record 86,852 was reached on Saturday. The number of new deaths has now increased by 328.

+++ 02:58 Switzerland increases vaccine fund +++
Switzerland is making more money to buy vaccines against the coronavirus. The government is increasing funding for this by 100 million to 400 million francs (379 million euros). So far, contracts for a total of 9.8 million cans have been entered into with Moderna and Astrazeneca. The government is also negotiating with other vaccine manufacturers about deliveries. Switzerland could also receive up to 3.2 million doses of vaccines if it participates in the Covax Initiative’s global purchasing program. The government plans to have the first vaccines in the first half of 2021.

+++ 02:29 Luxembourg creates a slight flattening +++
In Luxembourg, the number of new corona infections has slightly decreased. Compared to the previous week, it decreased by 12.2 percent to 4,127 cases, as announced by the Ministry of Health. The so-called incidence rate, that is, the number of new infections in seven days per 100,000 inhabitants, dropped to 659 in the first week of November. In the previous week it had been 750. The average age of the newly infected remained stable at 41.4 years. On November 8, there were 9,118 active infections according to statistics. 198 people have died so far in connection with Covid-19 in Luxembourg. 208 people are in clinics, 42 of them in intensive care units. The new corona wave hit the second smallest country in the EU with some 600,000 inhabitants. Since the end of October, there has been a nightly curfew from 11pm to 6am in Luxembourg and an increased requirement for masks, always where more than four people gather. In Germany, the seven-day incidence was more recently around 138.

+++ 01:41 More and more schools are saying goodbye to regular operations +++
Due to the increasing number of infections among students and teachers, more and more schools have to stop their regular operations. This is demonstrated by the data from 14 federal states available for the “Funke Mediengruppe” newspapers. After that, face-to-face teaching will no longer take place in its entirety in 3,240 out of a total of 40,000 schools. Sometimes individual classes or even the entire Schlen are quarantined. In some cases, however, schools also work with the so-called divided class transition model. Some of the students come to school for lessons and some study at home.

+++ 01:00 Scholz on Corona’s help: “We can add more” +++
Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz sees enough room in the budget to provide financial aid to those affected even if the pandemic continues. “Our country has the financial strength to do everything this and next year is necessary to maintain control over the pandemic and cushion the associated economic consequences,” said Scholz of the “Germany publishing network.” If necessary, “we can go back up,” continues Scholz. The SPD politician is satisfied with the path traveled so far: “The economy quickly regained its equilibrium, the economic recession is at least limited, things are going much better than expected,” said the Minister of Finance.

+++ 00:22 Thuringian court postponed AfD until February +++
Thuringian constitutional judges decide in February whether a large part of the Thuringian spring and summer crown ordinances are legal. The sentence on a lawsuit by the AfD parliamentary group, which considers many restrictions disproportionate in recent months, is due to fall on February 10. This was announced by the President of the Thuringian Constitutional Court, Stefan Kaufmann, after more than six hours of negotiations. The AfD parliamentary group attacked various Thuringian crown regulations from May to July with its lawsuit. The Constitutional Court wants to address your constitutional concerns about the special ordinance on a partial shutdown in November in separate proceedings, Kaufmann said.

+++ 23:52 Over 134,000 new cases in the US +++
The US Centers for Disease CDC reports 134,383 new infections and 1,859 additional deaths. This means that a total of almost 10.2 million infections and 239,590 deaths from the corona virus were recorded in the US. The “New York Times” figures, which has been using for graphics since the beginning of the pandemic, are in some cases considerably higher.

+++ 23:03 Sweden issues alcohol ban after 10 pm +++
The Swedish government wants to ban the sale of alcohol in restaurants after 10 pm due to the increased number of corona infections. Bars and pubs close half an hour later. This was announced by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven. “All the indicators are pointing in the wrong direction,” he told a news conference. The ban will go into effect on November 20 and will last until the end of February. In Stockholm, the authorities also banned visits to nursing homes. Sweden made international headlines with its special route in the Corona crisis. There are fewer restrictions compared to other countries: citizens can continue to visit restaurants and pubs there, but with a maximum of eight people at the same table. In addition, in many regions of the country there are urgent recommendations to avoid contacts, local transport and events. Above all, the country is based on the common sense of each individual.

+++ 10:16 pm Threat of relapse: New York imposes partial blockade +++
In view of the increase in the number of corona, the US state of New York wants to take action against an imminent relapse into the pandemic with new restrictions. Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that restaurants, bars and gyms must close at 10 pm In addition, meetings in private homes are limited to a maximum of ten people. The new regulations will go into effect on Friday, Cuomo said. “It is getting worse every day,” said the governor, referring to the new highs for the crown in the United States. If the new measures aren’t enough and the numbers go “wildly,” then there could also be a complete shutdown of the interior, Cuomo said. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio also spoke of the “last chance” to avoid a second corona wave. New York State and the metropolis of the same name on the US East Coast had become the epicenter of the pandemic in the US in the spring. The infection rate had stabilized during the summer, but recently the situation had hardened again.

+++ 21:47 federal states have extremely high mortality rates +++
According to daily reports from the 16 federal states, North Rhine-Westphalia leads with 4,572 new infections. They are followed by Bavaria (3426), Baden-Württemberg (2944) and Saxony (1738). Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is at the bottom with 116 new cases. In total, the countries together add 265 deaths. This number of cases is remarkably high. The day before there were 196, the highest value of last week was 169. More than 200 daily deaths were on May 1.

+++ 21:16 Current data status in Germany: more than 20,000 new infections reported +++
The number of reported coronavirus infections in Germany has risen to 716,972. As can be seen from information from state authorities evaluated by, 20,060 new cases were added in 24 hours. The number of deaths related to the infection increased from 265 to 11,869. Currently, about 254,600 people are infected.

According to the RKI, the so-called 7-day incidence fell slightly for the first time since the second half of September. The infection rate (R value) is given by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as 0.77 (previous day: 0.88). This means that an average of 100 infected 77 other people infected with Sars-CoV-2. The 7-day R-value is currently 0.89 (previous day: 0.92). Although the R value is still below 1, it is not clear enough for a strong weakening of the infection process. In the evening’s situation report, the RKI wrote: “Currently, a large number of transmissions can still be observed in the population of Germany.” The increase has stabilized slightly recently, but the proportion of older people among Covid 19 cases continues to rise. “Outbreaks related to Covid-19 in the elderly and nursing homes are also being reported again.”

The number of corona tests has remained practically the same and has been 1.57 million each in the last two weeks. The positive rate rose to 7.88 percent. In the previous week it was 7.26 before 5.51 percent.

According to the Divi Register, 3127 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in intensive care in Germany, 68 more than the day before. 1787 of them are ventilated. Around 6,700 intensive care beds are still available in German clinics.

You can read more information about the most important corona data here.

You can find Corona’s full live ticker as of Wednesday, November 11 here.
