Muslim student apologizes: more Berlin teachers said to have received death threats – Berlin


On Wednesday morning, the mother of the 11-year-old Muslim student who had threatened to behead a teacher at the Christian Morgenstern School in Spandau contacted the school’s management. I wanted to talk to director Karina Jehniche.

The boy was accompanied by his mother. He carried with him a handwritten apology, which he handed to the teacher whom he threatened to kill on Tuesday. The teacher had previously noted the importance of discussions with parents in class and announced the consequences for parents in case they did not appear. The boy later threatened to be beheaded, referring to the murder of French teacher Samuel Paty.

There are no serious school consequences for the child at first, he stays in elementary school. “The mother had stated that there was no talk of murder or revenge for the Mohammed cartoons at home,” Karina Jehniche told Tagesspiegel. “Of course it is not about criminalizing an eleven-year-old boy. The big question is: How does a child come to say something like that? ”. Therefore, now it is necessary to intensively check what media the child consumes and what social contacts he has. “Why do you think that?”

A psychologist and a social worker take care of the students and teachers, and the “Task Force on Youth Violence” of the Berlin police was at the school. In a telephone conversation Tuesday and early in the conversation Wednesday, the mother blamed the school for her son making such death threats, Karina Jehniche said. Over the course of the conversation, however, it became clear to him that the school was definitely not at fault.

Other teachers also report death threats

Meanwhile, teachers from other schools have contacted Morgenstern School in response to the incident with the eleven-year-old. Their reports give an indication that there are other similar cases.

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Martin Malaczek, deputy head of the Morgenstern School, told Tagesspiegel: “I have received comments from five colleagues from other Berlin schools that they have also received clear or thinly veiled death threats in connection with the murder of Paty in their respective schools. “He quoted a message from a colleague who wrote:” A first grader said in Arabic last week that he should die. ”

“It didn’t surprise any of the colleagues,” Malaczek said, “that such a death threat was made at Morgenstern School because they knew about it from their own school. And everyone welcomed the fact that the Spandau incident was openly discussed. “The subject of political Islam has been ‘taboo’ for too long.” If you have drawn attention to problems, you risk being put into a racist corner. “Become.”

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On Wednesday, a teacher who teaches in Schöneberg said that a 13-year-old Muslim student at his school said: “The teacher from Paris trampled on Islam. He got what he deserved, Order was fashionable.”

Principal: “Schools are overwhelmed by political Islam”

It is clear that primary school pupils, but also somewhat older pupils, when faced with such death threats, may retell statements from others or often cannot see exactly what they are saying. For Astrid-Sabine Busse, president of the Berlin School Management Association, the thoughts of adults are the main problem.

Speaks on behalf of the Berlin school management: Astrid-Sabine Busse from Neukölln.Photo: Frank Bachner

“It was not an eleven-year-old who gave a reflected opinion, but rather repeated what he heard,” he said. The main problem is “political Islam, and schools are overwhelmed by it.” The subject had been kept secret for a long time, now it is emerging strongly.

Faculty must also feel through political leadership that they are not alone, Busse stressed. “But you can’t just do more training, even if it’s important.” The problem must be solved at the social level. She read with “joy that magnets are now being formed in Germany.” He has long wanted religious teachers with Islamic training, to which children have a right. “

The Senate administration takes the incident “very seriously”

A spokesperson for the Senate School Administration told Tagesspiegel of the Spandau incident: “We take these cases very seriously. The Senate Education Administration has known about inter-religious conflicts for years, but also about religious intolerance in Berlin schools. ” That is why the subject of ethics was introduced for grades 7-10 14 years ago, and later the booklet “Islam and College”.

Education for democracy has become an important cross-cutting theme in the new curriculum. It is clear that “certain global political situations are also reflected in everyday school life in view of the diverse backgrounds of Berlin students.” With a view to religious extremism, talks are currently being held between the education administration and the associations of history teachers and political education teachers “to give more accents.”
