Emmerich (NRW): Burglars break open basement – burglars steal € 6.5 million from customs – News


Insane robbery at the Duisburg main customs office, Emmerich branch. The thieves opened a hole in the basement and stole around 6.5 million euros in cash!

“According to the findings of the ‘Kern commission of inquiry’ at the Krefeld police headquarters, the raid was professionally planned and carried out,” police said Wednesday. “Three previously unknown perpetrators are said to have used a drill rig to reach from a room adjoining the vault in the building’s basement.”

Witnesses heard drilling noises around 6 a.m. on Sunday, November 1. At around 10:45 a.m., they noticed three dark-clad men in dark knit hats exiting the building at Parkring 6 several times to load a white van with a sliding door on the passenger side.

Another witness observed another suspect who apparently belonged to the group of perpetrators and photographed him. The police have now released these photos.

The man is said to have driven off in a car in the same direction as the men in the white van shortly before. The transporter had a Klever license plate (KLE).

The customs administration has offered a reward of 100,000 euros for information leading to the determination of the perpetrator and / or the recovery of the stolen funds. Information is requested by calling 02821/5045200 or by email at [email protected].

Emmerich (NRW): Diebe bohrten Keller auf: Einbrecher klauen 6,5 Millionen Euro aus ZollamtPhoto: Police

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/emmerich-nrw-diebe-bohrten-keller-auf-einbrecher-klauen-6-5-millionen-euro-aus-zollamt-201576007- 73889614 / Bild / 7.bild.jpg “/>

Photo: Police

Emmerich (NRW): Diebe bohrten Keller auf: Einbrecher klauen 6,5 Millionen Euro aus ZollamtPhoto: Police

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/emmerich-nrw-diebe-bohrten-keller-auf-einbrecher-klauen-6-5-millionen-euro-aus-zollamt-201576019- 73889624 / Bild / 7.bild.jpg “/>

Photo: Police
