Clear path in the vault: thieves loot millions from the customs office


Clear path drilled into the vault
Thieves loot millions from customs

In a raid on the Emmerich main customs office in North Rhine-Westphalia, unknown persons stole around € 6.5 million in cash. According to the Krefeld police, the perpetrators used, among other things, a central drill to enter the vault.

In a robbery at the main customs office in Emmerich, North Rhine-Westphalia, unknown persons stole around € 6.5 million in cash. Based on prior knowledge, the perpetrators entered the vault with the help of a central drill, as investigators announced Wednesday in Krefeld and Kleve. The robbery was professionally planned and carried out.

The local police had already reported several times during the past week about the robbery, which occurred on November 1. On Wednesday, researchers released information on the amount of loot for the first time. The customs administration praised a reward of 100,000 euros for information leading to the identification, capture and final conviction of the perpetrator or perpetrators or the recovery of the money.

According to current knowledge, three perpetrators are said to have broken into the building. According to police, the robbers used a drill bit to enter the building’s basement and are said to have entered the vault from an adjoining room. Witnesses heard drilling noises on November 1 around 6 a.m. and at around 10:45 a.m. they noticed the three dark-clad men in dark knit hats exiting the building multiple times to load a white van with Klever plates. . Then they continued with the truck.

Another witness also photographed a man pacing near the main customs office at the time of the crime. Later he got into a car and headed in the same direction as the previous white van. This suspect is now being publicly searched with the photos of the witness.
