Jens Spahn in “ntv Frühstart”: “Crown dynamics have been significantly reduced”


Positive changes, but not yet a change in trend: this is how the Minister of Health sees the situation in Corona. Current figures show that “we can do it,” Spahn said. “We can reduce the numbers, but we are not yet where we need to be.”

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn sees signs of positive changes in the corona infection situation in Germany. “What we can see is that the dynamics has slowed significantly in recent days. It continues to increase, but it is increasing less strongly. That is encouraging at first, but it is not enough,” said the CDU politician in the “early start. “. “by ntv.

However, after two or three days of positive development, you cannot speak of a trend. “There are definitely signs of change, but there is no change in trend yet.” The Health Minister is hopeful of the closure measures in November. Whether they made a difference or not will be seen from the second half of the week.

Unfortunately, the number of corona patients in intensive care units and the number of deaths are increasing dramatically right now, according to Spahn. To get this under control, the number of infections should decrease. “We have to lower the numbers and go down significantly.” Only when they remain low for a long time will the goal be achieved. “It’s important so you don’t get the feeling: Wow, we did it now. It’s a sign that we can do it. We see, we can make a difference, we can reduce the numbers, but we are not yet where we need to be to protect the healthcare system. of the overload “.

There were no lavish Christmas parties this year, Spahn said. There certainly won’t be any “more than ten or twenty participants” events in the next few months. “The big wedding party, the great birthday party, also the great Christmas party, I have to honestly say that, I don’t see that in December or winter in general.” The Health Minister did not rule out other flexibilities after the end of November. That depended on how the infection numbers developed. “In the end it depends on everyone. If we take care of ourselves, we reduce the risk of contagion and, above all, the contacts ”.

Spahn would not say whether the politicians were planning certain travel or contact rules and restrictions for Christmas. The “AHA” rules must also be respected and a lot of air must be ventilated at the festival. “It is not only necessary at work, on buses and trains, but also in the family, in the private sphere.”
