World War I ended 102 years ago: what Europe has learned from it


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Editor-in-Chief Florian Harms Newsletter

Good morning dear readers

Here’s the annotated overview of the day’s topics:


They were young guys in their twenties or twenties. Many of them were still green behind the ears as they enthusiastically drove to the front. Some wanted to “show the Germans”, others wanted to “knock out the French” and “hit the Tommies”. They shouted “into battle, the tip of my saber is stinging!” and boasted: “Much enemy, much honor!” When they were there, up front, the energetic sayings died on his lips. Then they died themselves, perished in trenches and in the mud of the butcher fields. The new machine guns wiped out entire companies in a minute, the gas grenades poisoning people and animals in abundance. Every sixth French soldier, every seventh German and every eighth British did not survive the slaughter, and many others lost arms, legs, ears, eyes and jaws. On both sides, numerous intellectuals also lost their lives, and so many young poets, musicians, and painters died before they could conquer the world with their art instead of lead. A single life did not count for anything in this hell, the generals of both sides only raved about the “human material” that they threw into the “blood mill” to “bleed” the enemy.

The 21-year-old student Gerhard Gürtler from Breslau served as a gunner in Flanders. He wrote: “The earth trembles and trembles like a piece of muscle, the flares illuminate the darkness with their white, yellow, green and red light and let the long, lonely aspen trunks cast eerie shadows. And we sat among mountains of munitions , sometimes even kneeling in the water, and shooting and shooting, while grenade after grenade churning the loamy earth around us, smashing our position, uprooting trees, leveling the house behind us, and throwing wet dirt at us to make it look like we’re reaching us from the mud bath. The battlefield is nothing more than a monstrously large graveyard. “ Director Sam Mendes has impressively visualized trench warfare in northern France in his film “1917”. every adult European should look at it.

Further south, in the Vosges, rises Hartmannswillerkopf, a surprising viewpoint. To this day, the Alsatians call it “mountain of death” or “man-eater”. When I was a child, my great-uncle, who had a bullet from another war in his head, showed me what was left of the battlefield: some of the French and German trenches were only three meters apart. There the soldiers fought for every inch of land, the hill changed occupants four times. At one point, 30,000 men were shot dead, but the front line had not changed.

In the end, the great war cost the lives of almost ten million soldiers. In the participating states Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria on the one hand and France, Great Britain, Russia, Serbia, Belgium, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States on the other. another seven million civilians died. First World War It was called the carnage later, when Germany unleashed the next global war.

You may already know a lot about what I’m telling you this morning. Or maybe you don’t want to know exactly. I’ll tell you anyway. When I look around our world today and see all the wars and conflicts, the resurgent nationalism and the forgetting of history by many people, then I think: we cannot remember often enough where hostility, chauvinism and megalomania can lead . However, its ending also belongs to the history of hell: Today 102 years ago, the First World War ended with the armistice of Compiègne. Large regions of Europe were in ruins, and the worst would soon come, but that day peace returned for a time.

I was thinking about that yesterday when a news flash jingled on my cell phone: The states of the European Union we have agreed with the European Parliament on the EU budget of one trillion dollars for the next seven years. Some observers see this as a poor compromise, some journalists criticize the fact that very little money is still flowing towards education and digitization, and yes of course Hungary and Poland still have reservations. That everything goes well. But something else is more important: in the midst of the biggest health and economic crisis in decades, European states are not attacking each other, they are united. The EU is capable of acting and its member states are doing everything they can to overcome the crisis together and emerge stronger than before. Please take a look if I sound pathetic, but I think this is good news. Especially today, on this historic date.

In the summer of 1915, German and French troops fought costly battles at the Collet du Linge Vosges pass.  (Source: imago images)In the summer of 1915, German and French troops fought costly battles at the Collet du Linge Vosges pass. (Source: imago images)

The soldiers tried to protect themselves from the gas attacks with masks.  (Source: imago images)The soldiers tried to protect themselves from the gas attacks with masks. (Source: imago images)

The Hartmannswillerkopf bunkers can still be seen today.  Source: imago images (Source: imago images)The Hartmannswillerkopf bunkers can still be seen today. Source: imago images (Source: imago images)

    Some of the trenches were separated by a few meters.  Enemy soldiers could be heard talking to each other when not firing.  (Source: imago images) Some of the trenches were separated by a few meters. Enemy soldiers could be heard talking to each other when not firing. (Source: imago images)

Graves by graves by graves: 30,000 soldiers died at Hartmannswillerkopf with no place being gained.  (Source: imago images)Graves by graves by graves: 30,000 soldiers died at Hartmannswillerkopf with no place being gained. (Source: imago images)



French Head of State Emmanuel Macron commemorate the end of the World War this morning in a ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. November 11 is a holiday in France. The remains of the writer known for his tales of the war. Maurice Genevoix they are transferred to the Hall of Fame of the Pantheon. Learn more about Genevoix here.


The Peace Forum also opens in Paris. The objective is to offer heads of state and government, civil society organizations and trade unions a platform for exchange and thus promote peace. Excellent.


The EU Commissioners Today we want the negotiated contract for the purchase of the Approve the Biontech and Pfizer corona vaccine. In addition, they should strengthen the cooperation of national health authorities, because the EU so far has hardly any powers.


Angela Merkel doesn’t pay much attention to digitization, but it has a “Digitalrat “ created in which some brilliant minds discuss everything that then no longer plays a role in government action. Today the members want to take the liberty of presenting some ideas to the Federal Cabinet on how, in certain circumstances, “at some point you can convince new social groups to found digital companies.” The initiative will probably end as uncomfortable as it may seem.


In hungary The crown curfew goes into effect at night: citizens cannot leave their apartments from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., and all restaurants must close, eighth-graders have only digital lessons.


In Cologne and Düsseldorf actually it would start the carnival season at 11.11am. It’s good that the word really exists.



Donald Trump is not the biggest problem at all.  (Source: imago images)Donald Trump is not the biggest problem at all. (Source: imago images)

Donald Trump acts like an offended child and refuses to admit his electoral defeat. His stirrups in the Republican Party let him go as reported by our Washington reporter Johannes Bebermeier. We can expect the ghost to end in a few weeks. Still with Joe biden not quite well as president. Trump was just the symptom of a much bigger problem analyzes my colleague Patrick Diekmann.


The importance of the Biontech vaccine cannot be rated high enough. Why the prospect of a possible salvation only from the corona pandemic is so important to the economy, our columnist Ursula Weidenfeld explains.


17 million minks will be killed in Denmark, because small animals transmit a mutated coronavirus to humans. This shows that we are partly to blame for the pandemic, thinks my colleague Sophie Loelke.


“I want to bring the climate crisis to the largest possible platform,” says Luisa Neubauer. (Source: IPON / imago images)

Germany’s most famous climate activist, Luisa Neubauer has launched a podcast to raise awareness about the world’s greatest economic and freedom threat: the Climate crisis. What mistakes does the federal government accuse, I told my colleague Steven Sowa about it.


Almost two and a half years They have passed since the World Cup debacle of the German national team, and federal Jogi continues to be criticized. Christoph Daum takes the head coach in protection: “He had no chance to consistently achieve his change”, he says in an interview with my colleague Dominik Sliskovic.


What amuses me?

This crown is a government invention! Where do I know this from? N / A, take a look here !!!! And click on the sound in the image below right!

I wish you a happy day.



Florian Damage
Editor-in-chief of t-online
Email: [email protected]

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