FFP2 masks for risk groups?


Tüingen is doing it, as is the state of Bremen: in view of the sharp increase in the number of new infections, the first regions of Germany have announced that they will provide particularly vulnerable groups of people with high-quality FFP2 masks free of charge. The mayor of Tübingen, Boris Palmer, wants to distribute these masks, which, unlike blue or cloth surgical masks, also protect the wearer, to people over 65, the mayor of Bremen, Andreas Bovenschulte, wants to distribute them to older people and people with previous illnesses.

Britta beeger

Ilka Kopplin

Not only these two examples show: the protection of risk groups is currently the focus of the corona pandemic. Recently, demands have been heard more frequently, especially those in need of care, to equip staff in nursing homes and hospitals, teachers, educators and seniors with more corona tests and particulate filtering masks, for example, from the virologist of Bonn Hendrik Streeck or Verdi’s boss Frank Werneke. This is to protect these groups of people from infection with Sars-CoV-2, while protecting care facilities from major outbreaks and visit bans and intensive care units from overload.

Ministry sends masks to nursing homes

While there is still a problem with equipping care centers with rapid antigen tests, the supply of FFP2 masks has apparently dropped significantly after the major bottlenecks of the spring, as requested by the Federal Association of Private Providers. of Social Services (BPA) and the German Association of Caritas informed. Households now reorder their masks themselves, while porters or countries sometimes arrange bulk orders. According to the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, there is currently no supply bottleneck.

As additional support, the Federal Ministry of Health is still delivering 290 million masks from federal stock to nursing homes, specifically around 97,000 packages each containing 1,000 FFP2 masks and 2,000 plain surgical masks, as confirmed by a FAZ spokeswoman. By the end of 2021, the federal government had contractually insured 4.1 billion surgical masks and about 1.7 billion FFP2 masks. Part of this is leading to the national health protection reserve that is currently being established.
